
Climate Change

Antarctic Ice Melt – New Sobering Studies

It was only two years ago that studies of the infamous Thwaites Glacier, aka: the Doomsday Glacier located in West Antarctica, found rapid melting. At the time, scientists said it was “hanging on by its fingernails.” (Source: ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Which…

The Nexus Between Mental Health and Climate Change in Bangladesh: Understanding Heat Stress, Air Pollution, and Post-Flood Impacts

In Bangladesh, the convergence of climate change impacts and mental health challenges presents a complex and pressing issue that demands attention and action. By Md Biozid Jessorey As one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, Bangladesh faces recurring…

Chomsky & UN Forewarnings Revisited

I recently attended a family affair in Upstate NY and was informed that climate change articles, like this one, are too negative, causing close relatives to shut down and going so far as to ignore articles, too gloomy, too negative,…

Goodbye Oil & Gas – Hello Thermal Bricks

The world of energy struggles with the nearly impossible task of getting off fossil fuels. This requires thinking outside of the box, something revolutionary bustling with energy that bails us out of sluggish fossil fuels that emit too much CO2…

The Unseen Link: Climate Change and the Rise of Social and Economic Violence

In recent decades, the discourse surrounding climate change has primarily focused on its environmental impact: rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss. However, a less visible yet equally significant consequence of climate change – is its role in…

Amazon Rainforest Collapse?

“A major question is whether a large-scale collapse of the Amazon forest system could actually happen within the twenty-first century.” (Source: Bernardo M. Flores, et al, Critical Transitions in the Amazon Forest System, Nature, Feb. 14, 2024). It may seem…

Surprising Rising Seas “Must Reads”

Sea levels are surging along the US coastline, exceeding 30-year expectations. Scientists are confused, concerned, searching for answers. In that regard, an excellent new series by The Washington Post d/d April 29th, 2024 “Must Reads” is an eye-opening view into…

Ocean Heat Pummels the Great Barrier Reef, Again

It’s never been so bad. The Great Barrier Reef, which is one of nature’s most iconic mosaics of biodiversity, is on the ropes because of extreme global warming. Coral bleaching at the World Heritage-listed reef is “experiencing its worst mass…

New Data: Plastic Production Must Be Cut by 12% to 17% Per Year to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Change 

Global Leaders to Meet This Month to Negotiate Production Cuts in Plastics Treaty Berkeley, CA, USA– In advance of the fourth round of United Nations negotiations for an international plastics treaty in Ottawa April 23-29, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL)…

Social protection key to targeting climate finance at poorest farmers

This is an op-ed for IPS by Marco Knowles, head of the FAO’s social protection team. Climate change is exacerbating inequalities between and within countries, disproportionately affecting poor households in rural areas. More than half of the resources of the…

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