
climate and environmental catastrophe

WMO Bright Red Alert

The World Meteorological Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) State of Climate 2023 Report by Celste Saulo, secretary general, was issued on March 19th, 2024. “As secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, I am now sounding the Red Alert about the state…

Climate Trace Detects Underreported Soaring Emissions

COP28, the UN Conference of the Parties in oil-rich Dubai, currently underway, will not resolve the issue of oil and gas companies agreeing to slow down oil production. On the contrary, all signals point to an increase according to formal…

Unrelenting Drought Clobbers the Amazon

Global warming is consuming vast portions of the planet with a swagger that defies all expectations. Rivers in the Amazon rainforest are drying up. This is not supposed to be happening to such an extent, even during the dry season.…

Antarctica Hits Records as Global Heat Looms Large for 2024

“Climate breakdown has begun. Our climate is imploding faster than we can cope,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. (Source: 2024 Likely to be Hottest Year on Record,, September 6, 2023) A report from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)…

Climate Emergency Update, September 2023

Earth’s climate system is in a state of emergency. Emergencies are defined by four specific elements, i.e., (1) seriousness (2) unexpected (3) dangerous, and (4) requiring immediate action. Based upon a new YouTube broadcast by the inveterate commentator Dr. Peter…

There is no alternative to war: a dogma to be questioned

It is likely painful for everyone to see how far over the years our ways of thinking have drifted not only from each other but also from what we took for granted, perhaps rashly, in a period of intense collective…