
Climat change

Thunberg’s Problem. A Problem Without Any solution?

By Saral Sarkar For the last two or three months, I have been following the news on the school strike movement of teenagers, the purpose of which is to urge the grown-ups, particularly the politicians, to immediately do what is…

Climate Crisis: Now Will the Older Generation Step Up?

By Andy Rowel On Friday, the youth spoke. And they spoke loudly. In excess of a million young people skipped school and colleges and marched around the globe demanding urgent action on climate change. They did so in over a…

The 20 Warmest Years on Record Have Been in the Past 22 Years – The Degree of Warming during the Past Four Years Has Been Exceptional, Both on Land and in Ocean’

In the wake of data released by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO), showing the past four years were officially the ‘four warmest on record,’ UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for urgent climate action and increased ambition, ahead of his climate summit in…

Planet Earth’s Dubious Future: A Massive Easter Island in the Making

By Jerome Irwin Another year has come and gone and Planet Earth’s climate continues to become ever more extreme, violent and unpredictable. The oceans of earth are heating up faster than the scientists even projected five years ago. Australia is…

The Religious Imperative To Fight Climate Change: Environmental Stewardship And World Religions

By Ryan V. Stewar. One may easily argue that climate change represents the greatest ever threat to the continued existence of civilization. And such a threat, global and multi-generational in its scope, cannot long go unabated. Let me be very…

Staving Off The Coming Global Collapse

By William Rees ‘Overshoot’ is when a species uses resources faster than can be replenished. We’re already there. And show no signs of changing. Humans have a virtually unlimited capacity for self-delusion, even when self-preservation is at stake. The scariest…

The World Is Burning

Record high temperatures are gripping much of the globe and more hot weather are to come. This implies more drought, more food insecurity, more famine and more massive human displacements. In fact, extremely high May and June temperatures have broken…

The US and its Climate Change Problem.

By David Andersson A week ago, US President Donald Trump announced his unsurprising decision to remove the US  from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Most of the media ascribed the decision to Trump’s misunderstanding of the issue. Very few…

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