
Climat change

Climate Change Added 26 More Days of Extreme Heat in the Past 12 Months, Report Finds

With Heat Action Day approaching on June 2, a new report from World Weather Attribution, the Red Cross Crescent Climate Centre and Climate Central has found that the planet experienced 26 more days of “excess” extreme heat on average in the past year, which most likely…

Summer 2023 Was Hottest Summer in the Northern Hemisphere in 2,000 Years, Study Finds

After studying tree rings from the past 2,000 years, researchers have found that the Northern Hemisphere experienced its hottest summer in 2023 in the past two millennia. By Paige Bennett The researchers used both observed and modeled surface air temperatures…

Webinar Presentation by VFP Nuclear Abolition Working Group: Warheads to Windmills

Thursday, February 29th (Leap Year Day) 7pm EST, 6 pm CST, 5 pm MST, 4 pm PST Veterans for Peace presents: “Warheads to Windmills: addressing the threats of climate and nuclear weapons before it’s too late” REGISTER Join Dr. Ivana…

Unchecked Human Activity Is Pushing Ecosystems Toward the Brink

Desert conditions could spread rapidly from groundwater depletion and plant destruction. By Erika Schelby The planet is facing multiple severe challenges that require our immediate attention. Putting an end to the dirty and suffocating fossil fuel emissions may be the…

Mothers* Rebellion: second global action for the end of fossil fuels

Simultaneous Mother’s* Rebellion action in more than 26 countries on six continents. When: Saturday 23 September 2023 at 13:30h Where: Plaza de Aluche (in front of the interchange), Madrid. In response to the growing threat that climate chaos poses to…

Climate racism, a reality in unequal societies

“Who have the direct impacts of extractivism and what are the consequences for their lives? Peasant communities, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants – whose family groups include children, women and the elderly – bear an important part of these impacts…”. By…

Economy and society must turn climate change upside down

Only an “urgent and comprehensive” transformation of sectors and systems of the economy and society can avert the looming climate catastrophe, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned in a new report on Thursday. Inger Andersen, executive director of UNEP,…

Climate crisis – is there still a tomorrow?

We are witnessing the end of the world. Not of the planet Earth, which will continue to revolve around the sun for billions of years, but of the world understood as the condition of life of human beings and especially…

Noam Chomsky’s Speech to the 2022 World Social Forum

Recorded by the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security on April 29, 2022. Last week, for today’s World Social Forum, we were privileged to record what I think is perhaps Noam Chomsky’s most profound and urgently important speech.  

The Geopolitics Behind Spiraling Gas and Electricity Prices in Europe

Markets do not solve the problem of energy pricing. What is required is planning and long-term investments in infrastructure. By Prabir Purkayastha The current crisis of spiraling gas prices in Europe, coupled with a cold snap in the region, highlights…

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