

China calls for promoting peace through common development

China’s ambassador to the UN has called for promoting sustainable peace through common development at an open debate at the UN Security Council on Monday. To achieve basic, inclusive and sustainable development is the foundation for ensuring long-term peace and…

Why We’re Seeing Shifting Patterns in Global Manufacturing

Amid other crises, China’s economy has reeled from Western decoupling efforts. While several countries stand to gain from this process, it has only partially reduced China’s extensive global influence. By John P. Ruehl The 10th anniversary of the Belt and…

We Need to Disarm the Discourse on China

From racist tweets to rising hate crimes, the media’s anti-China propaganda has created a climate of aggression. Two weeks ago, a man drove a car into the Chinese consulate in San Francisco, yelling “Where’s the CCP?” Arab Americans have been…

Carlos Fino in an exclusive interview with PRESSENZA (2/2): The war in Ukraine and a new world order

Carlos Fino (*) interviewed for PRESSENZA By Vasco Esteves Carlos Fino was born in Portugal and was a radio and television reporter, war correspondent, news service presenter and press counsellor for four decades. He has travelled to Eastern Europe, the…

Dialogue on Chile-China Cooperation in the Construction of the Belt and Road

CGTN held a media forum in the Chilean capital, with the participation of three experts, who gave their views on issues related to economic development, geopolitics, infrastructure and even technology, in order to present the achievements of the Belt and…

Lavrov arrives in Beijing ahead of Belt and Road forum

While in Beijing, Lavrov is expected to hold talks with China’s top diplomat Wang Yi Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in the Chinese capital on Monday, starting his visit to Beijing which will host its third Belt and Road…

Humor in the Headlines Over China in Latin America

“As China arrives with a splash in Honduras, the US wrings its hands” Washington Post, October 2, 2023 In a break from its hysterical coverage of the existential threat posed by Donald Trump, the Washington Post – house organ of…

Okinawa: A Bastion for Peace?

Recently, in Taiwan, the government unveiled its first home-built submarine. In Japan, the government will upgrade civilian airports and seaports to dual military use in preparation for conflict in Taiwan. The U.S. and allies maneuver to contain China, Russia, and…

ECLAC headquarters hosts CGTN documentary screening

On 25 September, the China Media Group was present at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to celebrate the screening of a CGTN production in the framework of the China Documentary…

G77 plus China summit draws up proposals for action

The participants in the Group of 77 plus China Summit, which begins Friday in Havana, have drawn up several proposals for action, according to Rodolfo Benítez, director general of Multilateral Affairs and International Law at the Cuban Foreign Ministry. Benítez…

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