

China’s factory workers fight to protect basic labour rights

At a time when some senior government officials are advocating reform of the Labour Contract Law so as to make life even easier for business owners, China’s factory workers are fighting a rear-guard action to ensure that their basic labour…

Obama’s nuclear summit – it wasn’t…

Obama gathered ‘world leaders’ in Washington this past week to once again attempt to justify his ‘Nobel Peace Prize’.  He failed.  (In the final group photo Kiev’s Petro Poroshenko is standing behind Obama.  He grabbed $335 million in US military…

Japanese Calligraphy: an interview with Chikako Fukami-Thomsen

Calligraphy, the key to express Japanese culture; thoughts put into ink. Chikako Fukami-Thomsen swas born in Kyoto, Japan, and now lives in Zurich. She has been working with calligraphy and painting (Nihonga) since childhood, and has taught calligraphy in Japan,…

New China – the writing on the wall

Although this writing was completed in 2003 and the paragraphs on ‘no external debt’ will appear out of order, best bear in mind that all that is spoken of in this essay is still ‘in potential’ and the riddance or…

China-Iran: heralding regional changes, the visit of Xi Jinping to Tehran

China: Iran’s Friend in Sanctions, Ally in Post-Sanctions Era By Ebrahim Rahimpour, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia, Oceania, and CIS Countries Xi Jinping, Secretary General of China’s Communist Party and the President of the People’s Republic of China, is to…

China, Ancient Greece, Agrarian Economies and Reason

It is not all in “capitalism” that is evil or negative – it is the sort of predator Capitalism with its deliberate waging of wars for profit – such as the war banks (case in point – the opium banks…

New Silk Road report at Beijing symposium

The Chinese edition of the EIR report, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” was officially presented by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institutes, at a symposium sponsored by the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin…

NATO wars: the real target is Europe

The same facts, a different narrative The belt of civil wars festering on Europe’s borders is not accidental but has been intentionally built since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The unilateral dismantling of the bi polar world which prevailed…

Party-pooper West-Plus messes up by not attending China’s World War II victory celebrations

Seventy year’s on from the defeat of Japan in Asia and China has held a military style anniversary parade, inviting the world’s leaders to come together but the at-odds US and European government’s leaders stayed away, also their fellow travellers…

Japan’s ‘Chapel of the Thunder Gods’

Titled, “Somber reflections on the last days of the Pacific War at the ‘Chapel of the Thunder Gods’”,  Hong Kong-based journalist Steven Knipp was published in Time on this day marking the 70-year anniversary of Japan’s surrender. (Extracts follow, for…

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