

Chile votes against corporate politicians

On the verge of the end of the formula that explicitly violates the decision expressed at the ballot box, the political elite, who had already betrayed the people, did not want to get their hands on the issue that gave…

Chile: A left-wing government…

When the left takes over the government, thanks to an electoral and democratic process, its rulers hasten to achieve their reforms before the forces of reaction manage to destabilise it and return to power. This has happened several times in…

Human Rights: Laura Rodríguez and the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park

We publish here the words of the humanist Dario Ergas on the occasion of the installation of a plaque in homage to Deputy Laura Rodríguez in the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park, which she helped to found in the years immediately…

PISA’s glass half full

PISA stands for Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA is not a test, but rather a contribution to decision-makers by measuring the performance, wellbeing and equity of students in their respective education systems. The study was conducted with 700,000 students…

Villa Grimaldi, from horror to hope

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the civil-military coup d’état, a commemorative event for International Human Rights Day will be held in the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park, next Sunday 10th December 2023, at 10am. At the event, a…

Chile, the dangers of the new proposed Constitution. Interview with Tomás Hirsch

On December 17, the new draft Chilean Constitution, prepared in recent months by a Constitutional Council dominated by the extreme right, won an overwhelming victory in the May 7 [2023] [Constitutional Council] elections, will be put to a referendum. The…

President Boric and his criticism of the status quo media

Gabriel Boric’s words raised hives in the National Press Association (ANP) “We have a lot of good news to give. When I see the newspaper headlines, I actually read the newspapers little, but the desire to prefer the bad ones…

A Monumental Mural Visibilizes the Memory and History of the University of Chile

              /Maxine Lowy/ Through a yellowish-orange crack, a sepia-tinted eye from the past unblinkingly observes the scene below. It gazes down at today’s generation of this university world, cell phones in their hands, and…

For Juan Eduardo Pérez

On Thursday 26 October 2023, Juan Eduardo Pérez died. Every departure, even if it is inevitable and known, reminds us that we are not enchained to this time and space. Every definitive departure leads us to question ourselves about this…

Education: After Santiago 2023…WHAT?

If the financial and institutional effort had been put into Santiago, the media coverage has allowed millions of viewers to have access to the competitions, which have been mainly focused on those involving Chilean athletes. There is enthusiasm and passion,…

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