

Chile. 116 years since the massacre at the Santa María school in Iquique: trade unionists stage a sit-in at the Army Commander-in-Chief’s Office

“We have pure reasons, we have why to fight”. Luis Advis On 21 December 1907, 116 years ago, thousands of striking saltpeter workers and their families were killed by the Chilean army. In the massacre at the Santa María school…

Chile: We’re screwed

I am one of those who maintain that the problems of democracy can be solved with more democracy. But it must be a good democracy, otherwise, we’re screwed. Individualism, arrogance, competition, ambition, selfishness, idleness, and over-ideologisation of the extremes are…

Chile’s new constitution: change everything so that nothing changes

“The true blues continue to inhabit and disturb the dreams of our adolescent peoples. Now it seems to me that during the social outburst of 2019 when the whole country was taking to the streets chanting “Chile woke up”, the…

Chile, Tomás Hirsch: “The victory of the No vote in the constitutional referendum is a cause for relief”.

The draft constitution drawn up by the right was rejected yesterday with more than 55% of the vote. We have requested Tomas Hirsch, Deputy Hirsch, president of Humanist Action, to comment on the referendum result. The triumph of the No…

The more violence dominates, the more necessary humanism becomes.

Just before Chile lives its second ratifying vote on the Constitution, we talk to Efren Osorio, Secretary General of the Humanist Action party. Efren welcomes us in his office and smiles when we mention how accurate his political and electoral…

A violent approach to violence will not bring peace

The ineffective way of tackling crime Citizen security has become a state issue for democratic governments, and one that has historically been negatively evaluated by citizens, who also consider that the current administration, regardless of political colour, fails to deal…

50 years: remembering Bautista Van Schouwen Vasey

With the presence of his son Pablo, his brother Jorge, his partner Astrid, Inés and several other people related to his family, friends, comrades in struggle, militants of various forces of the left, people from the world of culture, humanism,…

Chile votes against corporate politicians

On the verge of the end of the formula that explicitly violates the decision expressed at the ballot box, the political elite, who had already betrayed the people, did not want to get their hands on the issue that gave…

Chile: A left-wing government…

When the left takes over the government, thanks to an electoral and democratic process, its rulers hasten to achieve their reforms before the forces of reaction manage to destabilise it and return to power. This has happened several times in…

Human Rights: Laura Rodríguez and the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park

We publish here the words of the humanist Dario Ergas on the occasion of the installation of a plaque in homage to Deputy Laura Rodríguez in the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park, which she helped to found in the years immediately…

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