

Hirsch: final meetings with European politicians and movements

The deputy elect [Member of the Chilean Parliament] for Frente Amplio (Broad Front), Tomás Hirsch, has finished his February European tour  to make contact and deepen ties with related organizations. He met in Paris with France Insoumise deputies Jean-Luc Mélenchon,…

Meeting Hirsch -Pisarello: “We are the alternative to the rise of the extreme right”

Gerardo Pisarello, first deputy mayor in Barcelona, ​​received Tomas Hirsch as an elected humanist member of Parliament  for the Frente Amplio in Chile. With the interest of establishing links between the related political forces of the European landscape, last Thursday,…

Tomas Hirsch: “Valuing diversity is what makes convergence possible”

We interviewed Tomás Hirsch, a humanist Deputy from Frente Amplio (Broad Front), a conglomerate that was formed just a year ago in Chile. However, long before this different attempts of convergence between progressive political forces of this country were made.…

The era is decisive

Historical moments are a kind of great ship on which we travel without even realizing it sometimes. They have a decisive direction that it is pointless to try to modify from within the small cabins in which we find ourselves.…

Chile: Human Rights Day in Villa Grimaldi

by Dalia Chiu It’s not the first time I’ve crossed the gate of the Villa Grimaldi Peace Park. The afternoon is hot and the park is a cool oasis of native trees, cinnamon, patagua, araucaria and the old ombú, that…

Chile: Abstention wins and Piñera becomes President

By Andrés Figueroa Cornejo Once again, abstention has triumphed in the 2017 presidential election, with more than 50% of those entitled to vote not doing so. Chile reaffirms its leadership of countries with least electoral participation in Latin America, and…

Chile: the humanist parliamentary bloc “with both feet in the street”

“Don’t expect this bloc to be stuck in parliament.  We will have both feet and all our soul on the streets”.  With these words by Deputy Pamela Jiles, the first press gathering with the Humanist Party bloc took place in…

Chilean elections: On the “Freedom of Choice”

The run-off election to determine who will follow Michelle Bachelet as Chilean president is due to take place on the 17th of December.  In the first round, former president, Sebastian Piñera, candidate for the right wing grouping Chile Vamos, obtained…

In Chile, Guillier wins support from Beatriz Sánchez

The former presidential candidate for Frente Amplio (Broad Front) has said that Sebastian Piñera, former president and candidate for Chile Vamos, has crossed a line and is a “risk” for the country. The fight for votes opened a new chapter. …

An evening with Mario Aguilar, President of the Chilean Teachers’ Association

While a small team of Pressenza editors is in Santiago to cover the Chilean elections, we had the chance to meet Mario Aguilar, the President of the Chilean Teachers’ Association, the largest trade union in Chile. Mario, whose background is…

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