

Demonstrations of solidarity with Chile all over the world

The current social outbreak in Chile has attracted interest and support at an international level, and in several cities throughout the world there has been demonstrations in solidarity with the uprising outside the Chilean consulates or in landmarks of the…

Chile: Humanists and the Current Moment

Hello friends, It is difficult to make a synthesis of what we are living, but in the attempt to transmit our point of view, I’ll tell you a little. I believe that we are witnessing something that Humanism has been…

Chile: It´s not 30 pesos, it´s 30 years

“It’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years” is a slogan that was repeated Sunday in many social networks and protesters banners who continued to go to the streets throughout the country. “30 pesos” refers to the rise of Santiago Metro…

Mario Aguilar [in Chile]: “Violence comes from the powerful. Let’s take care of each other.”

In the context of the strong social unrest that Chile is going through, the President of the College of Teachers -Mario Aguilar- called on his colleagues for solidarity and nonviolent civil disobedience. His words are reproduced below, as well as…

Chile: Mass evasion in the Santiago Metro, widespread demonstrations in the capital and declaration of a state of emergency

This week there was a massive call to jump over the paying turnstiles of the Santiago Metro, in response to the fourth fare rise so far this year. Mainly high school students entered the stations en masse, surpassing the responsiveness…

Chile: Congressman Hirsch presents project against war

Today, Tuesday, October 15, Humanist Congressman Tomás Hirsch will present, together with Congressmen Labra (PC), Fernández (PS), Marzán (PPD), Mirosevic (PL), Boric (Conv) and Girardi (PPD) a constitutional reform project that seeks to make Chile renounce war as a method…

Chile will host international seminar on transformation in the face of climate change

From October 16 to 18, 2019 the Transformation 2019 meeting “Learning from Transformative Action and Thought” will take place, a biannual world meeting whose fourth version will be held for the first time in the southern hemisphere. Chaired by University…

Tomás Hirsch: tribute to the victims of the Chilean civil-military dictatorship

We transcribe here the tribute that the Humanist Deputy made from the Chamber of Deputies on September 11: “This September 11 marks the 46th anniversary of the civil-military coup that overthrew the constitutional government of Salvador Allende. This coup gave…

Photo-reportage: The Right to Memory

Throughout September 11, in various Memory sites throughout the country, Chile remembered what happened in 1973 and honoured the dead, victims of the brutal violation of human rights by the military dictatorship. Undoubtedly the most remembered, admired and beloved figure…

Today, July 18, we humanists commemorate Laura Rodriguez

Laura Rodríguez, Humanist Deputy, exemplified a new way of doing politics in Chile characterized by a direct relationship with the people, by its coherence and ethical style in politics, by its capacity for teamwork and pluralism. She stood out for…

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