

Chile: Mario Aguilar returns to the presidency of the Teachers’ College calling on the government to fulfill its commitments.

In his first speech as the new National President of the Chilean Teachers’ Association, Mario Aguilar called on the government to fulfill its commitments to education. The union leader denounced that “once again the Government has failed in its commitment…

Yes, I’m a Jew! So what? The Dilemmas of Being Jewish and Left-wing in Chile

After forty days and forty nights on the ark, crammed among a large family and animals of all species, the waters began to recede, and Noah saw an extraordinary seven-colored bow of light in the sky. Noah and his descendants…

Chile: Making live and letting die

This system is not salvageable, this system is not dignified and it is not sustainable. The only way forward in civilisational terms is an intergenerational solidarity social insurance, a single, universal health system for all the people of Chile. This…

33 years of felony, let’s say enough is enough and let’s change course

Corruption unleashed The knowledge of the corruption scheme of public institutions, embodied by the most powerful and prestigious lawyer of the Chilean elite, Luis Hermosilla (“Here we are doing something that is a crime… that is a crime. And it…

Politics can and must repair, doing once and for all, in favor of the people, what it is possible to do today.

Political situation The cold numbers of an election, in this case a constitutional plebiscite, throw up different readings, some more histrionic than others, with the eagerness to steal the limelight and appear for a second more on the screen, like…

Chile: It is time to make, create, and build a future for everyone

What should be done with FONASA and ISAPRES. For people, without exception, having health care coverage according to the needs that arise at different times of life, is one of the most important priorities, and from the point of view…

Mega deal between SQM and Codelco for lithium: Chilean State will own 50% plus 1%.

This agreement ensures the continuity of the production of lithium and other substances and broadens the scope of Codelco’s participation in the global challenge of energy transition, taking advantage of the opportunities generated by the intensive use of copper and…

Chile: A new attack on human rights?

“Mr. Piñera, you have been warned, you will be prosecuted for the serious human rights violations committed under your mandate”. Warning by then MP Gabriel Boric to President Sebastián Piñera in September 2021 1 . A MEMORABLE EVENT The rebellion…

Politics, a lucrative investment

It is a well-known fact that the left is always divided, just as the right also tends to express itself in very belligerent alternatives to each other, although finally they unite and converge to participate in elections or overthrow governments.…

“We are hopeful, but we are not naïve”, artisanal fishermen react to the draft new fishing law

Artisanal fishermen from CONDEPP reacted to the presentation of the draft of the new fishing law by President Gabriel Boric accompanied by the Minister of Economy Nicolás Grau, this morning in the cove of Quintay. For Hernán Cortés, president of…

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