

[Chile] Breakfast with foreign press at Campamento Dignidad (Dignity Campsite)

Installed in a public space, right in the centre of Santiago, right between the two emblematic buildings of the Legislative and Judicial powers, is the Dignity Camp that challenges these same powers making visible the social demands of all the…

A Facade Drops in Chile

by Maxine Lowy A tide continues to sweep a mass social movement across the face of Chile, exposing four decades of economic injustice and challenging a legacy inherited from dictatorship, with United States participation at key junctions. Behind the facade…

#lastesissenior [Chile: a rapist in your path]

This hashtag was broadcast on Twitter today. It had not been communicated before by social networks. It quickly became a trending topic in Chile. And they surprised, despite having organized everything with a lot of discretion. This afternoon, women over…

Second Pressenza journalist assaulted for reporting in Chile

After a few weeks ago – when massive protests began in the streets of the country and the country was still under siege and curfew -our journalist Claudia Aranda was detained for a few hours by Carabineros and the specialized…

Fantomas of the White Man Rage On in Bolivia and Chile

The genus attributed to Fantomas (Phantoms) has European roots. The great-great-great grandchildren of Europeans push their harm forward from the North American Continent, and their relatives in South America do not want to give up their power or their privileges…

The Basic Cultural Structure: A Comment from Chile as It Burns

By Howard Richards The concept of Basic Cultural Structure (BCS) has many uses. An immediate payoff for peace is that once one analyses the main causes at work in history as structures, not as people, one should (if one is…

Chile: There are reasons to be suspicious (or we have already been deceived with a Plebiscite once)

By Ignacio Torres Excuse us for coming to put the bitter note to your “Agreement for Social Peace and the New Constitution,” but we recovered the historical memory and we are not willing to be passed over twice. There are…

The generation of rupture

By Dario Ergas We have been astonished by the manifestation of a new generation that warned of its existence these last few months in Chile. They expressed, subverting the economic and public order, that they do not like the social…

Tomás Hirsch [Chile]: “If the Government proposes that the current Congress be constituent, it is the worst of the worlds”.

The humanist deputy said that President Sebastián Piñera has not understood “the substance of the citizen’s demand” and rejected the option for the current Parliament to draft a new constitutional text. “It is to put the cat to take care…

More images of the multitudinous demonstration in Santiago

There are many images left of this Friday of the third week of mass demonstrations in various places in Chile. Without a doubt Santiago is the place from where our photographers have collected the most moments, despite the fact that…

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