

Chile: Social protest returns to the streets

Thousands of protesters on Friday took over the central Plaza de la Dignidad (Baquedano) of this capital, while other riots were also reported in separate cities such as Valparaíso, Concepción and Temuco. That was the culmination of a week that…

Feminists Protests in Chile

With cacerolazos (pots and pans protest), canvases, protest signs and panflets handed out by the subway exit Chile protested today against the the city of Temuco’s court, which only ruled house arrest for Martín Pradenas, who is indicted for sexual…

Farewell words from Machi Celestino Cordova

We publish here the farewell words that, after 100 days on hunger strike, were pronounced by Machi Celestino Cordova, Chilean indigenous leader, who indicates his resolution to go back to his dry strike in order to accelerate the process of…

Interview with Paulina Hunt: “Against the violence of inequality, mutual support and organizing”

We interviewed humanist actress Paulina Hunt, who in mid march, when the Coronavirus confinement started in Chile, joined a network of neighbors in the La Reina commune. The amount of solidary activities kicked off by this network stand out as…

Strong Support for the Feminist Collective “Las Tesis”

The feminist creators of the performance “A rapist on your way”, known as the Las Tesis group, were accused by the Carabineros of Chile of “intending to create hostility to the institution in question, with a direct accusatory note in.”…

Interview With Gabriela Meléndez: “Everyday, You Should Do Something That Gives You Purpose”

We interviewed Gabriela Meléndez, a humanist psychiatrist who has amazed us with her social commitment during these months of confinement in Chile. To start, we asked her to explain what she has been doing since coronavirus first left us secluded…

Return to Normality? 8 – Pia Figueroa from Pressenza

After the replies of Riccardo Noury, Laura Quagliolo, Giovanna Procacci, Giovanna Pagani, Guido Viale, Andreas Formiconi and Jorida Dervishi, it’s time to talk to Pia Figueroa, one of Pressenza’s editor. Now that we’re almost out of the Covid 19 emergency, many people say…

Dignidad in La Pampa Daily Life in Northern Chile in Times of Pandemia

By Maxine Lowy* The aroma of firewood envelops La Pampa, as it has, on occasions, a thousand years. After ascending with harvests from the sea to barter with inland peoples, the Changos lit fires to smoke fish and dry sea…

Ellen ‘t Hoen on the initiative of a global patent pool to combat covid-19

Ellen ‘t Hoen, is a lawyer who has been advocating for public health issues for more than 30 years, specializing in policies related to the pharmaceutical industry and intellectual property. She has worked as a consultant to governments, international organizations…

Open letter with 100 signatures opposes release of Pinochet era perpetrators of crimes against humanity

In an extraordinary step backward a Chilean Court of Appeals granted release and sentence reductions to 17 State actors convicted of crimes against humanity perpetrated against thousands of Chilean citizens during the Pinochet dictatorship, provoking condemnation by survivors and the…

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