

Post-Plebiscite in Huechuraba, Chile: Votes Cast for Dignity for a Community and a Country

By Maxine Lowy (i) Less than thirty minutes before polls closed, and another half hour before the first official count, increasing numbers of people circulated along the sidewalks of Huechuraba, heading for the Civic Plaza, a vast open space where…

Tomás Hirsch on Plebiscite in Chile: “The relationship between support for a new constitution and demand for social justice is clear”

According to the analysis made by the Chilean humanist deputy, Tomás Hirsch, of the results of the plebiscite held on October 25 that leads the Latin American country to a constituent process. In this interview, Hirsch reviews the participation data,…

Face 2 Face with Tomas Hirsch

This show is broadcast live on October 27 at 3 PM EST On this show we are speaking with Tomas Hirsch, member of Acción Humanista, about Chileans vote to draft a new constitution in a referendum on Sunday, beginning a…

Chile: the “I Approve” option overwhelmingly wins Plebiscite

Despite the pandemic and the consequent postponement of this event, which should have taken place last April, today in Chile it was possible to go to the polls, respecting the health measures to prevent coronavirus infections as much as possible,…

Chile: Images from a commemoration that dignifies

Yesterday, in celebration of the first anniversary of the social awakening, demonstrators filled the plazas of many Chilean cities, especially central Santiago’s Dignidad Plaza. On the government’s demand, Carabineros (the Chilean police force) withdrew forces and did not engage with…

Chile’s Constitutional Referendum: The post-dictatorship generation is unafraid of change

Maxine Lowy (i) With the national referendum on the constitution just days away, young people of Huechuraba, born, like their municipality, in the dawn of post-dictatorship gauge the historic moment Chile is about to experience. Huechuraba, in northern Santiago, nestled…

Chile: Social protest returns to the streets

Thousands of protesters on Friday took over the central Plaza de la Dignidad (Baquedano) of this capital, while other riots were also reported in separate cities such as Valparaíso, Concepción and Temuco. That was the culmination of a week that…

Feminists Protests in Chile

With cacerolazos (pots and pans protest), canvases, protest signs and panflets handed out by the subway exit Chile protested today against the the city of Temuco’s court, which only ruled house arrest for Martín Pradenas, who is indicted for sexual…

Farewell words from Machi Celestino Cordova

We publish here the farewell words that, after 100 days on hunger strike, were pronounced by Machi Celestino Cordova, Chilean indigenous leader, who indicates his resolution to go back to his dry strike in order to accelerate the process of…

Interview with Paulina Hunt: “Against the violence of inequality, mutual support and organizing”

We interviewed humanist actress Paulina Hunt, who in mid march, when the Coronavirus confinement started in Chile, joined a network of neighbors in the La Reina commune. The amount of solidary activities kicked off by this network stand out as…

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