

Book “Muros que hablan” presented at bookshop in Santiago, Chile

The public presentation of the book “Muros que Hablan” by Riccardo Marinai and David Meléndez, published by Virtual Ediciones for Pressenza, took place today in the extraordinary bookshop of the Comuna de Cerrillos “Las Vocales de Rimbaud” by Octavio Rivano.…

World Organization for Peace appoints Chilean actress Paulina Hunt as Ambassador for Peace

We interviewed the renowned Chilean actress and playwright Paulina Hunt on the occasion of her recent appointment as Ambassador for Peace by the World Organization for Peace, given that her trajectory has contributed notably to the advancement of non-violence and…

Interview with Danilo Urbina, from the Transdisciplinary School of Sexuality

As part of the series “Gender and Sexualities in Chile”, we interviewed Danilo Urbina, a psychologist specialising in support and counselling for young people on issues of gender and sexual orientation and a founding member of the Transdisciplinary School of…

The vicissitudes of the Chilean Constitutional Convention

“And it was necessary to suffer from that peculiar disease which since 1848 has been ravaging the whole continent, parliamentary cretinism, a disease which imprisons those infected as if by enchantment in an imaginary world, depriving them of all sense,…

We go on… and it will be beautiful

The results of the primary elections have made Apruebo Dignidad the largest political and social coalition in the country, which could allow – for the first time since 1990 – a left-wing pact to have a real chance of becoming…

Chile approves Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

The Chilean Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved the Draft Agreement ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, adopted in New York in 2017, which was approved by 122 out of 124 States of the United Nations (UN). The…

Fake News: Ruling Class Weapons of Mass Domination

By Jorge Molina and Patricio Mery Bell “You can fool everyone for a while. You can fool some all the time. But you can’t fool everyone all the time. ” Abraham Lincoln The dominant ideology has been more committed to…

Open letter to Greta Thunberg

Dear Greta Thunberg: I write this letter to you, regretting that finally you were not able to come to Chile on December 2019, due to the cancellation of the environmental summit that was going to be developed in our dearest…

Chile Woke Up and Opened Up the Great Avenues.

The thesis of the acceleration of historical time, from the point of intersection between objective and subjective conditions, is the only one that was confirmed in the resplendent results of the elections of 15 and 16 May. By Francisco Herreros…

Chile: From the Anger of Destitution to the Hope of a Constituent Assembly

More than a week after the constituent elections in Chile, all analyses agree that it was an election which disgraced the traditional parties, with a right wing and a DC obtaining their worst results, a social democracy which is submerged…

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