

Chileans vote en masse from abroad

We publish here this report by journalist Claudia Aranda, regarding the influx of Chileans to the Consulate in the city of Montreal, Canada, where many people went to vote today, while the polling stations and polling stations in the country…

[Chile] “Tunquén, a wounded sanctuary”.

We publish here the documentary directed and filmed by Chilean publicist José Miguel Sauvalle and photographer Francisca Santamaría, “Tunquén, a wounded sanctuary”, which with a critical look and interviews to several experts, shows how this beautiful place in the Central…

Boric or Kast: transformation or regression?

This is a decisive moment. The fate of the country is at stake. While the Constituent Assembly moves forward, elections will be held to choose the next President. Gabriel Boric’s candidacy is the inevitable result of each of the events…

“We are a different, courageous alternative with new ideas and proposals”, Susana López

A good way to describe Susana Lopez is to read her facebook wall where many former students of this young teacher from Ovalle greet her and remember her. “The teacher taught me the values of honesty and nonviolence. “Aunt Susana…

Until dignity becomes culture!

More than 130 representatives of culture, arts and heritage, social organisations and trade unions met this morning in the Amphitheatre of the Fine Arts Museum, a meeting that was also attended by the spokespersons of the presidential candidate of the…

Can Chile move towards peace?

It cannot be ignored that violence has severely infiltrated relations between Chileans, seriously affecting social peace. Not only conflicts of a political nature are expressed with a high degree of radicalism, but also the phenomenon of common delinquency plagues the…

No presidential programme proposes a paradigm shift in education

With less than two weeks to go before the presidential elections in Chile, it is striking that, despite the fact that there is agreement that education requires profound change, no candidate has proposed a paradigm shift in his or her…

Chile: The trivialisation of human rights

In Chile, on the occasion of the upcoming elections, worrying conceptions of human rights (HR) have surfaced. Conceptions that trivialise them, with extreme lightness. From the hard left, particularly those who tend to be behind Artés’ candidacy, there are those…

Two Mapuche community members shot dead by the military in Cañete

Machi Francisca Linconao called on President Piñera after the death of two community members: “He should withdraw his carabineros and the military”. The conventional constituent criticised the state of emergency in the southern macrozone and called on the president to…

Boric’s programme ensures social stability

There are four factors of the current neoliberal model that generate instability and violence in the country and, at the same time, limit economic progress: discrimination against women; environmental deterioration; economic and political centralism; and indecent work. Boric’s proposal seeks…

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