

Requiem for Sebastián Piñera

As a protagonist of the immortal Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov once said, “We are all suddenly mortal”. On the evening of 6 February this year, the helicopter of former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera crashed on Lake Ranco in the south…

Mayor of La Cisterna, Joel Olmos, joins Acción Humanista

In a fraternal afternoon with a relaxed atmosphere, a meeting took place between members of Acción Humanista to welcome the Mayor of La Cisterna, Joel Olmos, who officially joined the party this week. The meeting was also attended by members…

Chile: The health of the poor

The health of the poor does not matter to us as a society, not even when we talk about children. We simply do not see the suffering of others. And don’t tell me that it can’t be solved. We could…

Empty shell after 17 years of pension discussion

The system installed under the dictatorship For those who want to observe the characteristics and main direction of the current pension system, it is a model that obliges workers to save, gathering with this money a fund that goes to…

Popular Communication: Exercising the Right to Speech

If only we could put a mirror in front of us and look at ourselves together. If we could give ourselves more time to listen to each other and to talk in pairs, in threes, in the trade union, at…

Deputy Tomás Hirsch: “For years we have been denouncing the gross corruption scandals in the 3 richest municipalities in Chile”.

He has requested that the Comptroller General’s Office, the Internal Revenue Service, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Subdere be informed of the list of open cases and/or investigations in this area. By Absalón Opazo Deputy Tomás Hirsch (Acción Humanista)…

Peso Pluma or the hypocrisy and conservatism of elites

The opinion column by Chilean Alberto Mayol entitled “Sometimes you have to listen to the voice of the narco”, a political analyst associated with the left, in which he argues that the invitation to Peso Pluma to participate in the…

Chile: A political tool to give a voice to the organised social base

The legalisation of the Humanist Party in the Metropolitan Region of Chile is on the right track. To confront this inhuman system from the electoral field is a great challenge, which some brave people have tried alone or in a…

International Court of Justice, Israel before the court

The first session of the International Court of Justice took place yesterday, live worldwide. It was South Africa’s day [during] which [it] explained with several interventions the reasons for accusing Israel of genocide. [These were] above all, the declarations of…

“A play entirely inspired by failure”, Paulina Hunt

We interviewed actress Paulina Hunt, a Chilean playwright and teacher of theatre and television, about the new play she is about to present. Here we transcribe the full conversation: Pressenza: You are about to premiere a new play of your…

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