

Chile: New Conventional Table

During the week the vote took place for the renewal of the board of the convention responsible for drafting the new constitution. The first board had agreed to stay for one term and now it is time for another. The…

For the deprivatisation of water, the rights of nature and the protection of glaciers: More than a thousand social organisations back popular initiative to the new Constitution

Modatima, the Movement for Water and Territory (MAT) and the Coordination of Territories for the Defence of Glaciers worked together on a proposal of articles that were sent today to the Technical Secretariat of the Constitutional Convention. Once approved, it…

Integrating architecture

Latin America is one of the most urbanised areas on the planet, with 82% of people living in cities. It concentrates 17% of its urban population in just six megacities, each with more than 10 million inhabitants. Therefore, one of…

Collective murals from Chile to Italy. Interview with Eduardo “Mono” Carrasco

We had the opportunity to interview Eduardo “Mono” Carrasco, a famous Chilean muralist exiled in Italy since the military coup. He still lives in a small village in the province of Alessandria and, although held back by Covid, he is…

Interview with Tomás Hirsch: “I experience this new moment as the year of hope”.

We are ending 2021, it is the last day already, and the world is still in its second year of pandemic and very probably during 2022 this context of global pandemic will be prolonged even more – worldwide. We wanted…

Public letter to President Boric

Dear Mr. President: I am writing to you as a member of that generation of communicators who poured their youth into the effort to break the information blockade imposed by the Pinochet dictatorship, denounce serious human rights violations and advocate…

The President-elect’s first foreign policy decision

Mexican writer and diplomat Carlos Fuentes said: “To create you must be aware of traditions, but to maintain traditions you must create something new”. There is a foreign policy tradition in Chile whereby the outgoing President invites the President-elect to…

Overcoming the old with the new: Chile’s ballot box

When a new generation takes charge of the process of a country, when it resolves to enter politics despite the enormous institutional crisis, when it creates its own parties as new tools that no longer respond to the ideologies of…

Gabriel Boric, Speech as President-elect

We publish here in full the speech with which Gabril Boric Font thanks the people of Chile for the enormous vote received, which makes him the youngest President the country has ever had in its history. This act took place…

Chile: Quo Vadis?

Chile, the best economy in Latin America, the one that has made the most important changes in its indicators in the last 35 years, related to growth, GDP, foreign investment, opening of markets, reduction of poverty, is now thinking about…

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