

Popular constituent initiative to renounce and repudiate the war

With the proposals presented by the social base, through a virtual platform, the process of incorporating popular initiatives into the drafting of the new Chilean Constitution is being carried out. Among these initiatives is the one presented by one of…

La Chinganera: third album Hija Natural, with an unprecedented show, accessible to deaf people

Jorge Coulón (Inti Ilimani), Miguel Angel Pellao (Tenor Pehuenche), Evelyn Cornejo, Angelo Pierattini, Juan Flores (ex Arak Pacha, Inti IIlimani, Illapu, among others) and jazz drummer Carlos Cortés, are some of the musicians that make up the third album by…

Transition Test: It makes no difference where you are born or where you study

On January 11, the results of the Transition Test (PDT), the instrument used to determine university entrance, were made public in Chile and, once again, it is clear that it does not matter where you are born or where you…

100 voices from Latin America dialogue in Valparaíso on the construction of new political and social pacts for the region

Transparency, taxation, access to justice and territorial development are the four fundamental pillars for public policies for social cohesion in the region in the coming years. EUROsociAL+, the European Union’s cooperation programme with Latin America, is organising this regional meeting…

Chilean government awards lithium tender to two companies

The government of Sebastián Piñera, through the Ministry of Mining, notified the awarding of the bidding process to boost lithium production, giving two quotas to the companies BYD Chile SpA (of Chinese capital) and Servicios y Operaciones Mineras del Norte…

A new way of life?

PREAMBLE At the end of last year, an important political event occurred, an unusual event, a political event of the highest and most extreme gravity. Paradoxically – except for the interventions of a few parliamentarians – such an event should…

A new “fiesta” of democracy

When it comes to pointing out the winners and losers of the recent elections to renew the board of directors of the Constitutional Convention, it is concluded that those who won are only those who obtained the presidency and vice-presidencies…

Popular pressure modifies Piñera’s opinion on lithium

Following strong protests on social networks and yesterday’s nationwide mobilisation in opposition to the privatisation of lithium, the incumbent President Sebastián Piñera issued a public statement saying that “Chile is the country with the largest lithium reserves in the world.…

Marches called throughout Chile against the lithium bidding process

Many demonstrations have been called for today, Friday, in Chile to protest against the current government’s lithium bidding process, which favours the private sector. Sebastian Piñera, in these last months of his government, is trying to leave in private hands…

Boric’s government and international priorities

Foreign policy does not have an autonomous purpose, but is a substantive component of any development strategy. The type of external openness that has characterised our country in the last forty years has been consistent with the productive model of…

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