

Marilen Cabrera, Undersecretary of National Assets: “We want to install a more social look”.

The new Undersecretary of National Assets says the ministry is more than just a portfolio in charge of administering state land. She assures that there are many issues that are invisible and that one of the priorities will be to…

Recognition of the Lagos Constitution

It would seem that our country has always suffered more than others – because it is certainly not a Chilean “monopoly” – from strong doses of amnesia, deceit and historical self-deception. To confine ourselves to our recent history, we can…

The right to vote I Approve or Reject

I do not like to decide whether I “approve” or “reject” the New Constitution by listening to threats of crisis and outbursts from today’s totalitarians. To deny that democratic right rebels my personal history. I look at my sketch of…

Social upheaval, revolt and revolution

What we Chileans had in October 2018 was a great social outburst. A broad and national manifestation of acute discontent that was expressed in cities, avenues and even towns all over the country. An unrest that did not hesitate to…

Chile: Scholarship as a fundamental requirement to be a Constitutional Convention Member

The fish dies by the mouth; and the nightingale, in the evening. (Popular saying) A few days ago, our good friend Heraldo de Pujadas reminded us, with regard to the Christian custom of not eating red meat during Holy Week,…

The Constituent Assembly. The ghost that haunts Warnken

I appreciated Cristián Warnken and his “Belleza de Pensar”, when he devoted his time to literary interviews. I can’t say the same now that he has turned to politics. His yellow effort, which brings together those upset by the transformations…

“I call to reject the Rejection”, Marco Enriquez-Ominami

We spoke with Marco Enriquez-Ominami, a Chilean-French politician and a reference point for Latin American progressivism. Philosopher, filmmaker, former deputy, four-time candidate for the Presidency of Chile, founder of the Progressive Party, the Progresa Foundation and the Puebla Group. By…

“The State cannot continue to treat its universities as if they did not belong to the State”, President Boric

In his first official appearance as Patron of the campus, the president also announced that the government is working to incorporate the U. de Chile Clinical Hospital into the public health network. “The first meeting of the commission to address…

Article 1 of the new Chilean Constitution

(Graphic) State COM 2 > CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES, DEMOCRACY, NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP ARTICLE 1 – Chile is a social and democratic State governed by the rule of law. It is plurinational, intercultural and ecological. It is constituted as a Republic based…

Boric on his first month in government: “We have taken off with turbulence”.

On Sunday, the first month of the new government, President Gabriel Boric held a meeting with his entire cabinet in his private home located in the Yungay neighbourhood in downtown Santiago. Evaluating everything that has been done and also the…

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