

Centro Arte Alameda: The cultural space that became a care centre for the wounded during the Chilean Social Upheaval

When we think of the idea of a cultural centre, images come to mind of live music, plays, art exhibitions, performances and an audience eager for new experiences that help them appreciate the intensity and beauty of existence. When we…

“We have to go much further than what the agreement says”: Tomás Hirsch

The deputy and president of Acción Humanista declared that “nothing prevents the holding of town meetings, assemblies, debates, mechanisms to gather proposals and opinions” from the social world and the citizenry for the drafting of a new Constitution. He also…

A constitutional itinerary now tied up in knots

After a hundred days of a shameful parliamentary spectacle, the political class has agreed on a new institutional route in search of a Constitution. This comes after the complete failure of the first attempt in which the citizenry overwhelmingly rejected…

This system makes water. “Making Water, an exhibition by Máximo Corvalán-Pincheira

This system makes water is just one of the multiple interpretations we can give of the work of Chilean visual artist Máximo Corvalán-Pincheira that will open at the Centro Cultural La Moneda (Santiago de Chile) on Saturday 17 December at…

Constitutional reform in Chile, the current violent act of the powerful

The elite, with the signatures of people of all tendencies included, consummated their agreement with their backs to the people. The new constitutional reform in Chile, with prohibitions, with “designated experts”, with minimum elected quotas to exclude diversity and ambit…

Chile: Statement by the Coordinating Committee of Social Movements

Faced with the Constituent Agreement reported on December 12, as Coordinating Committee of Social Movements we declare: From the first moment we have pronounced ourselves in favour of the fact that the body that drafts a new Constitution must be…

Neurodiverse People, Do they have access to employment?

What do we mean by neurodiverse people? A concept that is increasingly heard and used. In general, it refers to people diagnosed with autism, Asperger’s, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and Tourette’s syndrome, among other conditions. By Andrea Zondek Darmstadter…

In the face of so much concentration of wealth, violation of rights and citizen insecurity …….. Who will be able to defend us?

Globalisation and the destruction of the state. The last quarter of this century saw the beginning of the global installation of the political and economic theory that has been transforming the world, known as neoliberalism. This is a new way…

Factocrats and neoliberals against foreign policy

It is commendable that Chile is opening (with the side letters to the TPP11) a new dimension in foreign trade policy, which will allow it to advance in regulatory actions with respect to international capital and protect itself in case…

Chile: Constitution with calculator in hand

To Eila Belila All kinds of reactions have arisen after the triumph of the rejection of the proposed Magna Carta emanating from the Constituent Convention. Those most resistant to change think that this popular verdict simply means that the country…

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