

Chile is a polarized state that tries to discipline the population by force.

Carabineros assassinated. In the early hours of the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Carabineros, three non-commissioned officers were murdered on the road between Cañete and Tirúa, in the province of Arauco, Biobío region; an event considered to be…

What to do in the face of violence?

The debate on security confronts conflicting visions of society and the state, which should be expressed in proposals that address them and, above all, take into account the principles that inspire them; the needs of the workers, but also solutions…

Why shy away from political reform?

To give priority to other legal initiatives, President Boric has refused, for the time being, to undertake the political reforms necessary for the consolidation of democracy. However, this postponement will certainly lead to municipal and legislative elections that will perpetuate…

12 years of ‘legalized theft’ of our sea

A little more than a decade ago, the Fishing Law was based on acts of corruption. Investigations by the Public Prosecutor’s Office uncovered the financing of parliamentarians at the time by the big fishing companies and established the bribery of…

Meeting between Chilean authorities and the Chinese province of Sichuan

“Sichuan, much more than pandas”, says the brochure part of the gift pack given to those attending China (Sichuan) – Chile Promotion Conference, and boy, is it true: the ties between our country and this thriving Chinese province are so…

Non-sexist education: a protective factor against violence against women

On 6 March, the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill “Establishing Measures to prevent, condemn and eradicate gender-based violence against women” in the third constitutional process. A few days later, the Constitutional Court rejected a request by a group of…

Electoral engineering versus democracy

The Chilean case is a true expression of the fact that democracy is not just about holding periodic elections. On the contrary, the fundamental preoccupation of political parties can become a real obstacle to the genuine exercise of popular sovereignty.…

Last day of the International Book and Social Sciences Fair Recoleta 2024 (FILCS)

After an unforgettable experience for lovers of literature and critical thinking, FILCS, which opened on the 4th of this month and has become the epicenter of intellectual debate, closes today, Sunday 14th April, in the main square of the Recoleta…

Popular pharmacies on trial

A few months ago, we published an interview with the mayor of Recoleta, Santiago de Chile, Daniel Jadue. In November this year, he will end his third and final term in office, having implemented social programs with a broad impact,…

The homeless, a “pressure cooker” that no one is putting out.

The organization of the homeless in Chile is in the form of various neighborhood associations, commissions, and collectives These committees must obtain legal status in the different municipalities of the country, according to the current legislation. They are the basic…

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