

María Victoria Feres Haddad and her exhibition “UNA”.

My women are all of us… inevitably broken, broken, dismantled, recomposed, reinvented, graceful and with wings, many wings. Some are powerful, clear, strong and joyful. Others, a little sad and tired… they give their all. And in this giving their…

Adapted and autonomous voting for blind people

One of the most important elements of the human being is his personal autonomy, to fend for himself, of course with the help of technology, because without it no human being could, for example, fly or sail, talk to someone…

Chile. Pedro Lemebel’s work will not continue to be printed or distributed: Planeta publisher stops printing presses due to the writer’s family’s litigation.

We had exclusive access to the broadcast corresponding to 7 May 2023 of the only radio programme on sexual diversity and HIV, Siempre Viva en Vivo on Radio Universidad de Chile, produced and hosted by the activist and social communicator…

The brain develops in social interaction

For now, and surely for a long time to come, social interaction will be irreplaceable. If robotics and artificial intelligence make us think it might be possible, the human brain is so complex that we are still far from it.…

Chile: Elements to Contemplate in a New Humanist Constitution

As Universalist Humanists, we aspire to a Universal Human Nation. Understanding that it is a long process to get there, we will be advancing in proposing a New Humanist Constitution for any territory (inspired by the process carried out and…

World Press Freedom Day, a non-celebration

When it is announced that it is World Press Freedom Day, and we consider the opinions that this celebration raises, we find a large number of complaints and claims regarding the lack of freedom that the press suffers, which is…

No human being is illegal!

This week Chile and Peru decreed a state of emergency on their borders due to the migratory situation that is being experienced, in a deplorable action, and which deepens the signs of failed states, without the capacity to assume the…

Metropolitan Regional Government together with various authorities launches the programme “Leaders for nonviolence”.

With the presence of the RM Governor, Claudio Orrego; the SEREMI Education RM, Flavia Fiabane; the President of Fundación Semilla, Marcelo Trivelli; the Mayor of Quinta Normal, Karina Delfino; the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences UDLA,…

Voting not to vote

PREAMBLE The election on 7 May will not be an unimportant event. On the contrary, it will have special significance for the events that will unfold after that date. On the political scene, it will have consequences for both the…

The impossible experience of other people’s pain

I have noticed the angry reaction of many people to the invitation that Fundación Futuro (linked to Sebastián Piñera’s family) made to an event offering to go wine tasting at Viña Concha y Toro and then go on to visit…

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