

Sandy Joseph: “When black women, regardless of nationality, are united, we achieve great things”.

Sandy was 15 years old when she arrived in Chile in January 2017. The reason was to be reunited with her mother, who was working in the country, and also to finish her final year of school to facilitate her…

Democracy, the one that doesn’t run flies in Chile upside down, 50 years of bad practices.

We are in times of recounting our history, five decades in which the call to the viveza chilensis has been manifesting itself in the ambit of power, unleashing that characteristic that homogenises the Chilean political elite and makes them sing…

Elizabeth Subercaseaux’s Reflection on the 1973 Coup d’état

In order to minimise their own responsibility for the 1973 coup d’état, the right wing says (in the words of Marcela Cubillos) “as long as the left does not admit its responsibility for the collapse of democracy that preceded the…

Climate racism, a reality in unequal societies

“Who have the direct impacts of extractivism and what are the consequences for their lives? Peasant communities, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants – whose family groups include children, women and the elderly – bear an important part of these impacts…”. By…

The challenge of reducing absenteeism and dropping out of school

In the year 2022, one million two hundred and eight thousand students had serious non-attendance, meaning that almost 4 out of 10 students did not have sufficient attendance to pass the school year. Just under fifty thousand students in 2021…

“Democracia Viva”: The fault lies with the pig and those who give it the bran

The organisers of “Democracia Viva”, members of Revolución Democrática (RD) committed a grave sin in their attempt to take advantage of state funds for political or personal gain. This is corruption and is unacceptable for those who ethically and politically…

The robust, efficient third sector, focused on the common good and free of corruption

In Chile, there is a high level of social entrepreneurs (foundations, corporations, and other NGOs) as well as business entrepreneurs (SMEs). Each of these sectors has approximately 235,000 institutions. All face major obstacles and problems; few survive the first two…

Chile, and its “never again …. as far as possible”.

State neglect of eye trauma victims 2019. Re-victimisation and consequences of trauma In the face of the distressing news about the fourth suicide of eye trauma victims of the social outburst, the human rights issue is once again placed in…

Pablo Neruda’s Legacy on the Anniversary of his birth (1904)

Every July 12, we commemorate the anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest poets of all time: Pablo Neruda. Born on 12 July 1904 under very precarious conditions in the town of Parral, Chile, Neruda left a literary…

In Chile the elite only pay fines for abuse and crime

The governing alliance in Chile today is dealing with “damage control”, after it was revealed in the press that influence peddling was used to financially feed, with direct and millionaire flows, NGOs administered by cadres of Giorgio Jackson’s party, “Revolución…

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