

Letter to Boric from the Community for Human Development: An end to European warfare

Mr. Gabriel Boric Font President of the Republic of Chile Dear Mr. Gabriel Boric Font President of the Republic of Chile Dear Mr. President 78 years ago, on 6 August, in the context of the Second World War, the United…

Women are most likely to experience “impostor syndrome” in technology companies

According to a recent study by the BBC, in fields such as engineering and technology, this phenomenon can be explained by the demand to meet certain standards in areas that for years have been more “masculine”. By: Horacio Gutiérrez Areyte…

To whom the welfare state owes its debts

In the ideological struggle between rightists and leftists, the so-called welfare state has come to the fore, that is, the situation in which many countries on Earth live that are recognised for their democratic prerogatives, but in which there would…

A Montage in Three Acts: A crime unresolved in 48 years links Argentina and Chile

By Maxine Lowy Jaroslavsky* A man strolled his dog again, the laughter of another resonated as it always had and the smile of a young women in a mini-skirt beamed in the chilly, rainy morning. These were three of 119…

The best interests of the child in the constitutional debate

“Children first” is a statement typical of show business politics. It sounds pretty, it lacks content, but it has the virtue that everyone understands it and assimilates it according to their own principles, values and identification with some public policy.…

Lives that changed in one fell swoop: The book that collects 50 accounts of 11 September 1973

The book gathers interviews with former Allende ministers, sexual dissidence activists, artists and people linked to the defence of human rights. It also includes photographs and archival material such as letters from disappeared detainees, family albums and even drawings of…

Sandy Joseph: “When black women, regardless of nationality, are united, we achieve great things”.

Sandy was 15 years old when she arrived in Chile in January 2017. The reason was to be reunited with her mother, who was working in the country, and also to finish her final year of school to facilitate her…

Democracy, the one that doesn’t run flies in Chile upside down, 50 years of bad practices.

We are in times of recounting our history, five decades in which the call to the viveza chilensis has been manifesting itself in the ambit of power, unleashing that characteristic that homogenises the Chilean political elite and makes them sing…

Elizabeth Subercaseaux’s Reflection on the 1973 Coup d’état

In order to minimise their own responsibility for the 1973 coup d’état, the right wing says (in the words of Marcela Cubillos) “as long as the left does not admit its responsibility for the collapse of democracy that preceded the…

Climate racism, a reality in unequal societies

“Who have the direct impacts of extractivism and what are the consequences for their lives? Peasant communities, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants – whose family groups include children, women and the elderly – bear an important part of these impacts…”. By…

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