
Child malnutrition

Hunger-stricken West and Central Africa

Hunger continues to grow. According to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), nearly 55 million people are food insecure and 16.7 million children under the age of five are acutely malnourished in West and Central Africa. The region shows…

South Sudan: Future of an Entire Generation of Children, Stolen in One Year

Human Wrongs Watch The scale of the crisis facing children in South Sudan is “staggering” according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which on 12 December 2014 warned that the future of an entire generation of the country’s children…

2014 – ‘Never in Recent Memory Have So Many Children Been Subjected to Such Unspeakable Brutality’

Human Wrongs Watch Never in recent memory have so many children been subjected to such unspeakable brutality, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on 8 December 2014 said, as 2014 has been “devastating” for some 15 million children caught up in…

Desperate struggle against starvation in South Sudan

By Mike Pflanz*, (UNICEF) – As a food crisis threatens millions in conflict-stricken South Sudan, families are eating whatever they can to survive. Without more urgent international help, many will likely die of starvation.* KIECH KUON, South Sudan, 25 August 2014 –…