

China Ready to Work with CELAC

Beijing, Feb 7 (Prensa Latina) China declared today to be ready to work with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to establish, before the end of 2014, the common forum approved at the recent summit of the…

Latin American, Caribbean Leaders Declare “Peace Zone” in the Region

Latin American and Caribbean leaders have wrapped their annual summit of a regional grouping that excludes the United States and Canada. The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States held its first gathering last year as a counterweight to forums…

2nd CELAC Summit Concludes with Important Statements

Havana, Jan 29 (Prensa Latina) The 2nd Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is expected to conclude today with important statements, particularly in proclaiming the region as a zone for peace and free of nuclear…

Latin American and Caribbean leaders to push for complete nuclear disarmament at UN Summit

Santiago de Chile, January 28th 2013 – Mayors for Peace welcomes the renewed commitment of the 33 Heads of State of Latin America and the Caribbean to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons. The leaders reaffirmed the priority…

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