

Canada must suspend arms trade with Israel

As Israel continues its bombardment of Gaza, which has resulted in a devastating number of civilian deaths, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE),…

When will we stop fueling an endless cycle of hatred and violence?

When will we recognize the wisdom and leadership of the inspiring, world-wide Jewish community who are showing the only way to peace and justice for all? By Kathleen Ruff It is not possible to say you support human rights and…

American and European leaders must follow Canada’s example and condemn Netanyahu’s evacuation plan

At a press conference in Ottawa, Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, said that Netanyahu’s plan is “unacceptable”. Demanding Rafah civilians to evacuate the southern Gaza town to let Israeli forces carry out a military offensive is ‘unacceptable’…

Activists Shut Down D.C. Streets, Canada’s Port of Vancouver to Demand an End to Genocide Funding

Activists shut down at least a half-dozen major roads in Washington, D.C., during Thursday morning rush hour and marched through the streets to demand an end to U.S. military support for Israel. Police arrested roughly two dozen protesters. Protester: “War…

Canada support UNRWA, UN agency for Palestinian refugees

The European Commission said on Monday it will “review” its support to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, following allegations several of its staff members were involved in the October 7 attacks on Israel.However, the EU does not foresee…

Remains of unknown shipwreck appear on Canadian shore.

The appearance of a huge overturned ship, apparently ancient, on the coast of the southwestern tip of Newfoundland, intrigues and mobilises today residents and experts of this Canadian province. The wreckage is visible just metres from the shore of Cape…

Joint Statement by the Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand for a ceasefire in Gaza

In a statement released today, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand ask for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It’s the first time since the war started on October 7 that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called for an immediate ceasefire…

Climate Action Network Canada calls on Canada to step up and push higher ambition in final COP28 agreement

As international climate negotiations come down to the wire at COP28, and with the new draft Global Stocktake text falling severely short of what’s needed, civil society is calling on Canada to step up alongside Peoples and countries on the…

A statement by the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network – Dubai – COP28

End wars and end fossil fuels: Demilitarize, Decarbonize, Decolonize We are in a climate emergency exacerbated by global conflict. This past summer, out-of- control forest fires raged across Canada and caused mass displacement and destruction. Canadian communities are facing more…

Students in Canada in Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian Liberation

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) affirms its solidarity with Palestinian people in their ongoing fight against settler-colonialism, apartheid, occupation, and genocide.  For 75 years, Palestinians have been subject to extreme systemic violence due to the ongoing Zionist occupation through…

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