
Break Free from Plastic

After a Slow Start, Plastics Treaty Talks Gain New Momentum at INC-4

1 May 2024, Ottawa, Canada/Manila, Philippines.  The Plastics Treaty’s fourth Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) closed early yesterday morning, for the first time with a draft text outlining pathways toward a global agreement. In a positive development, the draft text includes…

New Data: Plastic Production Must Be Cut by 12% to 17% Per Year to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Change 

Global Leaders to Meet This Month to Negotiate Production Cuts in Plastics Treaty Berkeley, CA, USA– In advance of the fourth round of United Nations negotiations for an international plastics treaty in Ottawa April 23-29, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL)…

More than 57,000 individuals call on Congress to ban single-use plastics

Press Release by Geri Matthew Carretero A total of 57, 954 individuals signed a petition urging the 18th Congress of the Philippines to immediately regulate and ban problematic single-use plastic packaging and products in the country. “The petition mirrors that…

Top PH plastic polluters revealed: Green groups renew call to ban SUPs

19 March 2021 – Members of the #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement today renewed the call for the government to impose a nationwide ban on single-use plastics to mandate corporations to end dependence on single-use plastics. The call came following the release of…

Bicolano Artists Unite Against Waste Incineration

The Kurit-Lagting, a collective artistic collaboration of Bicolano artists from Sorsogon, Albay, Catanduanes, Masbate and Camarines provinces together with Sorsogon Arts Council and alternative media groups, Shoot-in-Action Multimedia and Quimlat Multimedia, expressed alarm and opposition on waste incineration projects around…