

What it takes to be a Brazilian president

It is common to hear that Brazil is a country with strong democratic characteristics, but the truth could not be further from this. With a past of military dictatorship, Brazil only became a democratic republic in 1985. Since this democracy…

With Lula, Brazil recovers external credibility and internal dialogue

The blocking of hundreds of roads and crowds demanding a coup d’état in front of the barracks did not cloud the democratic climate and the good international repercussions of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s election as president of Brazil for…

Lula elected in Brazil: a victory with many challenges

With Lula’s victory, many challenges lie ahead that we will have to observe and seriously reflect upon, the first of which is the transition of government that should only have to take place on 1 January 2023. The page of…

Lula won by God’s hand

On the birthday of the world’s greatest popular myth, Brazil couldn’t go wrong. Because if there is something that Brazil has, it is roots, black entrails, ancestral rites, welcoming of all diasporas, resistance and macumba. Brazil is blood, sweat and…

Brazil election: Left-wing icon Lula wins against far-right Bolsonaro

Lula da Silva has narrowly won the runoff election for Brazilian president against Jair Bolsonaro. The incumbent president has not yet accepted his defeat, stoking fears of violent confrontations. Enormous challenges await the new President, Lula. He must fight poverty…