

Bolivia: They try to Stop Evo and Ban the M.A.S. Before Imminent Electoral Victory

On Monday, June 6, the Bolivian prosecution charged and asked for the arrest of former President Evo Morales for “Terrorism and sedition.” The case based on a home audio attributed to the former president was reactivated in this way, who…

The Whipala damn well deserves respect!

By Claudia Aranda It is assumed that Evo, like all asylum seekers, must restrict his actions within the regulatory framework of his new status. The former president of Bolivia, along with “thanking the people and the government for allowing us…

31 US organizations denounce the brutal repression in Bolivia

We, the undersigned US organizations condemn the civic-military coup in Bolivia and the brutal repression unleashed by the police and military authorized by the self-proclaimed anti-Indigenous “President” of Bolivia, Senator Jeanine Áñez. The regime has burned the Wiphala, flag of…

Latin America, in search of a present history

It is one month since the social explosion in Chile and despite permanent repression, the Chilean people are still on the streets to demand the resignation of Sebastián Piñera, who declared war on them in the first week of the…

Bolivia: Free Voices against the Police Civic Coup

“…and that the seditious ones that promote the instability of the Government be taken care of….He who tries to make sedition, from tomorrow, let him take care of himself”… These were some of the warnings that Arturo Murillo, the new…

Studies refute OAS claims of irregularities in Bolivian elections

Evo Morales has been credited with turning his country around. From being the most impoverished in South America he managed to raise living standards, giving priority to education, health, pensions, the rights of the indigenous population and creating mouth watering…

The International Humanist Party repudiates and condemns the coup perpetrated in Bolivia against the legitimate government of Evo Morales

Faced with the serious situation in Bolivia that has led its president Evo Morales to resign, the International Humanist Party expresses its rejection and condemns the coup d’état that the opposition has perpetrated in this country. We humanists reject and…

Facing the resignation of President Evo Morales and the coup d’état in Bolivia

By José Gabriel Feres* The resignation of Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, and of Vice-President Álvaro García Lineras is undoubtedly a regrettable fact, not only for Bolivia, but for all democratic processes on the continent and in the world. The…

UN nuclear weapon ban treaty now halfway towards entry into force

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, adopted in 2017, is now halfway towards entering into force. This important milestone was reached on 6 August, the anniversary of the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima, when Bolivia became the 25th…

Bolivia’s universal healthcare is model for the world, says UN

The World Health Organization (WHO) has cited the universal healthcare system in Bolivia as a model for all. Media reports said: The U.N.’s World Health Organization praised Bolivia’s newly implemented universal health care system, known in the country as the…

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