

South African and Bolivian Presidents Highlight Global Vaccine Inequity at UNGA

At the United Nations General Assembly, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa repeated his call for waiving intellectual property rights on vaccines. He also criticized wealthy nations for hoarding vaccines. President Cyril Ramaphosa: “It is an indictment on humanity that more…

The legacy of Bolivia’s El Mallku: ‘Self-governance is fundamental’ for indigenous peoples

Written by Ruben Hilari ‘Jiwaspach apnaqasiña’ has become a motto of the Aymara people In Bolivia, the slogan “Jiwaspachaw apnaqasjañasa” (“Self-governance is fundamental”) can often be heard in indigenous Aymara communities—in meetings, assemblies, city neighborhoods, conferences, in the media, and in…

Payments for the poor, taxation of the rich: Bolivia’s left-wing party returns to power

Bolivia elections 2020: MAS, the left-wing party of Evo Morales and Luis Acre claimes a landslide win. With this election victory, the Bolivian population has taught the ruling right-wing elite several lessons. It is a clear rejection of the opression…

Luis Arce, President of Bolivia: “Let’s rebuild the country and live in peace”

November the 8th, Luis Arce was declared the new President of Bolivia. During the inauguration ceremony, after being sworn in before the multinational Legislative Assembly, the incoming President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia stated as follows: “On this November…

German industry hopes to lift Bolivia’s lithium treasure

Bolivia boasts one of the biggest lithium reserves in the world. After Luis Arce was elected the country’s new president, exploration hopes are mounting, especially among German investors. The glory days of the mines in Bolivia’s Cerro Rico (Rich Mountain)…

Lithium and the Putsch

Berlin is again seeking access to the world’s largest lithium deposits located in Bolivia – after having supported the putschists. Following the presidential elections in Bolivia, the German government and business circles hope to have direct access to what are…

Bolivia: Movimiento Al Socialismo’s victory against the coup and the right- wing

Justice is finally done! After a year of the coup, the Bolivian people have once again expressed their will against neoliberalism, its policies and economic interests aimed at destroying their country. The election results arrived at one a.m., after several…

Bolivia: Democratic Election Processes are not Afraid of Observers from Abroad

This is what every serious citizen thought until he read that, even before the team of observers from PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL set foot in La Paz, Bolivia, in view of the upcoming elections, they were receiving threats. And if the current…

Bolivia on the verge of social uprising

Bolivia is on the verge of a great social uprising that will bury the de facto regime of Jeanine Añez and restore democracy in the country, as political analysts assure. One of these experts is the Bolivian head of the…

Harvard denounces massacres by the Añez government in Bolivia: “They shot at us like we were animals”

By Jesus Murillo Añez. This past Monday, the International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC), an organization member of Harvard Law School and the University Network for Human Rights (UNHR), denounced through a 92-page report “disconcerting patterns of human rights violations” committed…

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