

Arce rejects narrative of ‘self-coup’ in Bolivia

Bolivian President Luis Arce today strongly rejected the narrative of a “self-coup” being promoted by opposition sectors following Wednesday’s military takeover of Plaza Murillo and forced entry into the old government palace. Speaking at a press conference, Arce insisted that…

Women and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia resist dispossession of resource-rich lands

Women and Indigenous peoples in several regions of Bolivia are resisting land seizures, deforestation, and the extraction of natural resources that affect their livelihoods, while the authorities are conspicuous by their absence to support the defense of their rights. By…

Bolivian president urges transformation of agricultural cycle in the face of climate change

The effects of global warming and the El Niño and La Niña phenomena have been affecting Bolivia for years, which is why it is worth thinking about changing the agricultural cycle, Bolivian President Luis Arce stressed today. At a public…

Third Malón of La Paz and the political power of women in Abya Yala

September 5th is International Indigenous Women’s Day, established in 1983, during the II Meeting of Organisations and Movements of America in Tiahuanacu, vindicating in the figure of Bartolina Sisa the struggle of indigenous women against all types of oppression. Bartolina…

Bolivia: Crisis in the MAS: Schism or Reinstatement?

By Rafael Bautista S1. Beyond the superficial opinions and the mixture of accusations, the MAS crisis (which marks its own birth to political life) manifests something that escapes the whole range of media analysis; because that something is already naturalized…

“Watershed” agreement: Farmers, water suppliers and communities work together to protect forests and water sources

In Bolivia, 24,000 farmers in cooperation with communities and public water suppliers protect more than 600,000 hectares of forest from deforestation, exploitation, and the interests of mining companies—and thus protect the regional water supply in the long term. The Reciprocal…

“The Inner Look” for children and a Mapudungun translation of Silo’s Message: two contributions to the spread of Siloism

We talked to Saúl Asenjo, a long-time Siloist who today lives in the state of Pennsylvania, near New York. From there he has managed and helped to produce two interesting editorial contributions for the dissemination of Siloism among children and…

Bolivia Ministries form committee to address indigenous needs

Committee to address the needs of Bolivia’s indigenous peoples linked to the portfolios of Education, Health, Justice, Rural Development and Culture. A committee to implement public policies to meet the demands of indigenous communities was formed by five Bolivian ministries…

Bolivia: hell on earth or balkanisation in the name of God

In 2005, Bolivia underwent a profound shift in its political power relations. The MAS-IPSP, created by a broad group of popular organisations, won the elections in a resounding manner. In the face of this, the profoundly racist Bolivian oligarchy, particularly…

Bolivia. Against the sedition of Camacho and Calvo, people and government deploy their forces

Under undemocratic and seditious extortion, and after the Government of the Plurinational State has offered all instances of dialogue to deal in a participatory manner with the issues involved in the Population and Housing Census, the representatives of the extreme…

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