

US Reimposes Illegal and Inhumane Oil Sanctions on Venezuela: The New York Times Runs Cover

A minute after midnight on April 18, the US reimposed coercive economic measures designed to cripple Venezuela’s oil industry. Later that day, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a new sanctions bill on Nicaragua. Meanwhile, Cuba protested the US’s…

Starving Gaza. An ARCI report from Rafah

We publish the report sent from the Rafah crossing, on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, by ARCI President Walter Massa, a member of the Italian delegation organized by AOI (1), in collaboration with ARCI (2) and Assopace…

San Benigno gate. Genoa dock workers prepare to block weapons in transit to Israel

As has been happening for some years, dock workers in Italy manage to combine the fight for rights against all discrimination and exploitation, with concrete initiatives alongside oppressed peoples. They have built a network between all the dock workers and…

Arzakh (Nagorno-Karabakh): Warnings of genocide go unheeded

The Associazione per i Popoli Minacciati (APM) ( Association for Threatened Peoples) reacted with dismay and anger to the news of the death of K. Hovhannisyan, 40, from Stepanakert in Arzakh. Arzakh Human Rights Ombudsman Gegham Stepanjan announced yesterday that…

Stories from returning #WomenToGaza – Struggle to end illegal Israeli blockade continues

Women’s Boat to Gaza – TRANSCEND Media Service 8 Oct 2016 – As we write, the last of our wonderfully brave participants from the Women’s Boat to Gaza are either home with their loved ones and supporters, or on their…

Unofficial blockade on Nepal by India

Unofficial blockade on Nepal by India – Humanist Movement Nepal’s “worldwide Appeal” This blockade is having the following effects on Nepal’s ordinary people in their everyday lives: *Fuel for transportation and gas for cooking are in short supply and this can…

Lift now Israel’s illegal naval blockade of Gaza’s sea waters and port

Israeli occupied forces intercepted Marianne. The boat is currently en route to Ashdod port #SOSFreedomFlotilla Dear Brothers and Sisters, Here I am bothering you once again.  But the below string of messages are very, very important.  I ask that you…

Bangladesh streets blockaded – transport halted

No long-route buses after 9pm – Transport companies will refrain from plying their bus rotes on various longer routes across the country after 9pm daily to avoid untoward incidents like arson and fire bomb attacks. By Shamsul Hoque Basunia, in…