

Brazil is up in flames—here’s why

by Diego Gonzaga It is no accident that there are fires all across Brazil, and it is no accident that the fires this year are worse than last. In fact, the fires in 2020 are the worst in the last decade.…

EU Subsidies Benefit Big Farms While Underfunding Greener and Poorer Plots

Viewpoint by Murray Scown, Kimberly Nicholas & Mark Brady* The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the European Union’s largest budget item. For the 60 billion euro a year it pays in subsidies, the CAP is expected to support farmer incomes, ensure…

Amsterdam Tests New Post-Coronavirus Model

Empty Amsterdam during confinement by coronavirus (Image by Peter Noordendorf) As soon as the confinement imposed by the pandemic is over, in Amsterdam the model called “donut” or double circle has begun to be adopted, to try to repair the…

Affluence is killing the planet

How can we reduce consumption as much as necessary in a socially-sustainable way, while still safeguarding human needs and social security? Would you like to be rich? Chances are your answer is: ‘Yes! Who wouldn’t want to be rich?’ Clearly, in…

The Path beyond Extinction and Escape: Return to Earth, Regenerate and Share

Prof. Vandana Shiva | Navdanya International– Message for World Environment Day, 5th June 2020   On 31st May, while people were dying during the Corona Pandemic, while millions had lost their livelihoods and were going hungry during the “lockdown”, while millions were…

A manifesto for the Coronacene

Herbert Girardet Can we initiate a global green recovery, embedding economics within sound ecological parameters? The global impacts of Covid-19 have left humanity reeling. This virtually invisible virus has greatly amplified an ongoing planetary emergency and reminded us of the fragility of the…

First Person: The ‘inseparable bond’ between Hawaiian culture and native plants

  The 17 goals agreed by the global community to reduce poverty and create a sustainable planet are the responsibility of all people, wherever they are in the world, according to the United Nations. The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs…

Women’s rights, traditional knowledge and biodiversity

Women’s organising in Kyrgyzstan serves as an example of the inseparable linkages between gender, environmental and economic justice. The sheer scale of the challenges faced by our planet is difficult to comprehend, but there is now at least recognition of…

A Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Aims at Reinforcing Efforts to Save World’s Ecosystem

The UN’s highly-touted socio-economic agenda, which lays out an ambitious global plan for “people, planet and prosperity”, has been dominated by “goals, targets and deadlines.” But regrettably, most developing nations are struggling to reach these goals—due largely to a shortfall…

These Aliens Are Here to Stay (And They Are Dangerous)

By Baher Kamal No, no, no. Nothing to do with what US and Europe’s far-right fanatics now use to vociferate, saying once and again that “migrants come here to destroy our democracy, our civilisation, and our life-style”. Rather the complete…

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