
Bernie Sanders

Sanders: Thank you, Koch brothers, for accidentally making the case for Medicare for All!

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., thanked billionaire mega donors Charles and David Koch for unintentionally helping make the case for Medicare for all. Sanders’s remarks came in a video posted on his Twitter account. The words: “Thank you Koch Brothers” appeared…

Sanders: Trump has ‘no legal authority’ to bomb or attack Syria

“It is Congress, not the president, who determines whether our country goes to war and Congress must not abdicate that responsibility,” declares Independent senator from Vermont by Jon Queally, staff  for Common Dreams With expectations high that President Donald Trump will…

Watch: Bernie Sanders lays out progressive Foreign Policy vision

In major address, potential 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders calls out “disastrous” war on terror by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams After months of aggressively rallying support for domestic objectives like Medicare for All, union rights, and a…

Sanders: Corbyn surge in UK shows world rising up against austerity, inequality

“People in the U.K., the U.S. and elsewhere want governments that represent all the people, not just the 1%,” Sanders said by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams Responding to the results of the U.K. election, which commentators have…

UK elections: Jeremy Corbyn feeling “the Bern”

‘There’s a real similarity’: Corbyn gets rousing support from Bernie Sanders. US senator praises Labour leader’s effort to transform politics and take on establishment, seeing parallels with his own campaign’ The Guardian. In spite of not officially endorsing Corbyn or…

House GOP Health Bill Could Put Coverage Out of Reach of Millions

The House of Representatives on Thursday voted narrowly to do away with the Affordable Care Act, replacing it with a healthcare bill that would dramatically roll back Medicaid, provide hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to the wealthy,…

Activists and Native Americans march on Washington amid rain, sleet and snow

On Friday March 10th 5,000 members of Native Americans tribes and their supporters – celebrities, environmental and peace activists, veterans, college students – marched on Washington, D.C.  amid bitter cold, rain, sleet, and snow, calling for Trump and the U.S. Congress…

Arizona House Speaker withdraws bill to punish protests

On Monday February 27th Governor Doug Ducey and the Republican leader of the Arizona House withdrew Senate Bill 1142 – a bill meant to punish organizers of protest that turn violent with racketeering charges. Rioting is already illegal under Arizona law,…

Bernie Sanders responds forcefully to Trump’s speech

In his Facebook page Bernie Sanders criticizes the huge increase in military spending proposed by Trump and his comments about the health care system. “President Trump will propose raising military spending by $54 billion — a nearly 10% increase —…

How the Media Iced Out Bernie Sanders & Helped Donald Trump Win

By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan We hadn’t seen Bernie Sanders in Philadelphia since last July, when he watched his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, win the Democratic Party’s nomination. Sanders joined the “Democracy Now!” news hour this week at the…

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