

‘Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country’

‘Walkatjurra Walkabout – Walking for Country’ is a celebration of Wangkatja country, a testament to the strength of the community who have fought to stop uranium mining at Yeelirrie for over forty years, and a chance to come together to continue…

Legacy of War

As the world continues to engage in various commemorations in relation to World War I, Australia approaches the centenary anniversary of a defining event in the nation’s history: ANZAC Day. On 25 April 1915, and for many days after, Australia…

Brisbane: A show of Western weakness

No matter what you may think of Putin and Russia this is simply not the way international politics should be conducted, particularly not at the personal level. If it wasn’t an offence to children, one would aptly characterise it as…

Australian Myopia

Along with all the economic scaremongering and regressive social agenda that is part and parcel of the current Australian Government comes ‘business’ led solutions for ensuring our financial welfare. The Indonesia Institute, a conservative Perth-based think tank, says carers from…

Active Non-Violence, Southern Ocean style…

We live in an age of holistic knowledge. We live in an age where we increasingly see Planet Earth, or more specifically, all the biological organisms that live on it, and their respective environments, as interdependent. We have come to…

Better off without Australia Day?

Most Nations ‘celebrate’ some sort of annual National Day, which usually marks the gaining of independence from an imperial power in the past. ‘Australia Day’, as it is known here, marks the establishment of Sydney on January 26, 1788. As…

Climate Change – the unavoidable reality

Australia has recently experienced it’s hottest weather since records began, with the Weather Bureau forced to ‘add new colours’ to its temperature mapping system to accommodate thousands of hectares subject to temperatures exceeding 50 deg C. Major Bushfires raged out…

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