

Threats to regional peace in the Asia Pacific region and the work of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) is delighted to welcome Annette Brownlie, IPB Board Member from Australia, to our headquarters in Berlin next week. In a special event, Annette will report on the important work of her organisation, IPAN (Independent and…

Joint Statement by the Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand for a ceasefire in Gaza

In a statement released today, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand ask for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It’s the first time since the war started on October 7 that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called for an immediate ceasefire…

“Australia, take the lead in liberating Julian Assange” chant activists on Australian Embassy Day held last weekend.

And six Oz parliamentarians set off to Washington to do just that. It took off like wildfire. Last August 12th, a Julian Assange activist in Wellington (NZ) tweeted a call to stage sit-ins outside Australian embassies worldwide on or around…

How are creative arts students beginning successful careers in post-COVID19 Australia?

Freelancing Artist Samara Louise Shares Her Story The 2020 pandemic has brought anxieties to students and those beginning careers in new fields about what the future will look like for them. Aspiring artists – particularly performers, visual artists, vocalists, writers…

Divergent views between younger and older Australians risk failure to stop climate change

As the effects of climate change continue to become more apparent through extreme weather phenomena, Australian media bias towards older generations’ opinions is causing friction with younger generations, who are increasingly suffering from climate anxiety. Australia is falling behind the…

As Australian mental health services are reduced to pre-COVID levels, citizens are anxious for alternatives

On January 1st, 2023, the Labor Government halved the amount of free psychology sessions covered under Medicare’s mental health plan, reducing them to the original 10 instead of 20. This increases the cost of extra sessions by up to hundreds…

Power games in the South China Sea continue

While protesters call for peaceful togetherness and an immediate stop of the power games in the Asia Pacific, tensions between China and the USA are rising due to joint military exercise in the South China Sea after Chinese military maneuvers…

Politicians from around the world appeal to US Attorney General to drop Assange charges

On the four-year anniversary of Australian publisher Julian Assange’s remand imprisonment in London, Australian, US, UK and Brazilian politicians have appealed to the US Attorney General to drop the extradition and espionage charges against the WikiLeaks founder. An open letter…

Disturbing TikTok Hoax Shows It’s Time For Change

I am writing this on March 8th, marking the date of International Women’s Day. Which makes me disheartened to say that as a woman, I am still burdened with gender inequalities my grandmother would’ve faced in the early 50s. Over…

Experts plea with Australian Prime Minister to save Assange – Belmarsh Tribunal Sydney

Politicians, lawyers, journalists, whistle blowers and human rights defenders have pleaded with Prime Minister Albanese to step up his efforts to free imprisoned Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder, Julian Assange. Experts testified at the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney on 4 March,…

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