

Biden’s New Border and Asylum Cap

President Joe Biden signed an executive order that places stronger regulations on undocumented migrants seeking asylum at the Southern border on June 4th. According to President Biden, this decision was made to combat the fentanyl crisis, as well as manage…

The sacred right to asylum

What stupid arguments the defenders of the current Ecuadorian government come up with. All tyrannies, all anti-democratic governments, make criminal accusations against their opponents. In Chile, all of us, or almost all of us, who have taken asylum have faced…

World Refugee Day – June 20, 2023: Let’s talk about refugees in Hong Kong

In order to mobilize political will and resources for refugees, international days like the World Refugee Day on June 20th call attention to the challenges of those fleeing conflict and persecution in their home countries. While people all over the…

EU-Turkey Statement: Six Years Of Undermining Refugee Protection

8 NGOs warn that policies implemented in Greece keep displaced people from accessing asylum procedures, despite clear need of protection March 2022 marks six years since the EU-Turkey Statement was agreed, which stipulated that people crossing irregularly to the Greek islands from…

UNHCR welcomes Mexico’s reforms to protect rights of child refugees and asylum-seekers

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, applauds the entry into force of important new measures in Mexico to protect the rights of child refugees and asylum-seekers, including the end of immigration detention for boys and girls. Under the reforms, no children,…

ACLU Reminds Biden of ‘Moral and Legal Imperative’ to Reverse Trump’s Unlawful Asylum Policy

The civil liberties group stressed the new administration must “restore the right to asylum and end the government’s ongoing violations of law.” by Brett Wilkins, staff writer The ACLU on Tuesday reminded President-elect Joe Biden of the “moral and legal…

Spain: Respect Rights of People Arriving by Sea to Canary Islands

Ensure Adequate Reception Conditions, Access to Information and Asylum Spanish authorities should immediately alleviate overcrowded and unsanitary conditions on the Arguineguín pier, Gran Canaria, one of Spain’s Canary Islands, Human Rights Watch said today. Since November 7, 2020, when Human…

Italy: Revoke Abusive Anti-Asylum Decrees

Draconian Migration Measures Put Lives, Rights at Risk Italy’s Democratic Party-Five Star Movement coalition government should revoke anti-asylum and anti-rescue measures held over from the previous government, Human Rights Watch said today. The government is expected to propose modifications to two…

Julian Assange: a sense of the reaction in Quito, Ecuador

Today, Quito woke up as cold as usual, but that was not the first thing that Ecuadorians noticed when their alarms went off.  At 5 a.m., Ecuadorian time, President Lenín Moreno announced to everyone that the country was to stop…

Hunger Strike Continues into 7th Week on day of Trump’s Visit to El Paso

The “El Paso 9” continue their hunger strike into the 7th week at the El Paso Processing Center. Nine of 11 Sikh asylum seekers are being violently force-fed by ICE staff and late last week all nine were thrown into…

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