
Artificial Intelligence

Scientist says today’s neural networks may be “slightly conscious”, sparks debate among experts in the field

He did not specify which intelligent systems he was referring to, but it is likely to be OpenAI’s GPT-3 autoregressive language model. The chief scientist of the research group at artificial intelligence development company OpenAI, Ilya Sustskever, posted on his…

Chip War: Can the U.S. Really Gain From China’s Pain?

The U.S. currently holds a strong hand in its chip war with China. But experts believe it will lose in the future as China has a bigger market and a larger capacity for creating new knowledge. By Prabir Purkayastha With…

Artificial Intelligence or Human Intelligence?

They are not necessarily the same thing and, what’s more, the former without the latter could lead us – or is leading us – to a cliff with unpredictable consequences. “But if we humans invented it”, you might say. “One…

We support two European Citizens’ Initiatives: Basic Income and No Profit on Pandemic

The European Commission has several technocratic ways of consulting with EU citizens. It also has several ways, again technocratically, to apply pressure to have certain issues (which citizens believe are not being adequately acted upon) discussed and on which a…

Bregman – Harari on Today’s Challenges

These are two of the brightest minds of our time in life. Both historians, with a particularly optimistic but also subversive perspective, have written books that became best-sellers overnight and are translated into many languages. The Dutch Rutger Bregman and…

Artificial Intelligence used for mass surveillance in 75 countries

By Steven Feldstein A new report from The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace finds that at least 75 countries are using facial recognition and other forms of artificial intelligence in order to surveil massive numbers of people. A growing number of…

A Provocative and Inspiring Look at the Future of Humanity

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power* LUND, Sweden (IDN-INPS) – “Suppose aliens existed, and that some had been watching our planet for its entire forty-five million centuries, what would they have seen? Over most of that vast time-span, Earth’s appearance altered very…

Fake news by algorithm

Today I opened my Facebook and discovered that two of my very good friends in another country were getting married. It seemed odd as they have been together for many years, they have grown up children and did not make…

Beyond Science Fiction: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights

Human Wrongs Watch By Jonathan Drake* 4 January 2017 (openDemocracy)* – Artificial Intelligence is growing at rapid pace, and so are significant ethical and human rights dilemmas.  “You are worse than a fool; you have no care for your species. For thousands…

Benefits & risks of artificial intelligence

“Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial.” Max…

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