

The Argentinian people need a breather

As if nothing had happened and time had not passed in the last forty years, Argentines are once again seeing the monstrosity emerge in the political arena. Riding on the back of a regressive global wave, the conservative right and…

Argentine women take another step forward with law against obstetric violence

In 2014, Johanna Piferrer was 33 weeks pregnant when she suffered the sudden death of her unborn child, revealed by an emergency ultrasound scan. Devastated, she had to wait nine hours in the maternity ward of a hospital in the…

There will be a ballotage in Argentina Build vs Destroy

Sergio Massa of Unión Por la Patria won with more than 36% of the votes and will participate in the ballotage on 19 November (Image from Sergio Massa’s Instagram). Argentinians will have to wait 27 days to find out who…

The Perilous Path From Western Domination to De-Dollarization

Two interesting things happened at the BRICS summit in South Africa in August. Several new members were invited to join BRICS in 2024: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. And, at Brazil’s urging, a commission was established…

Argentina’s entry into the BRICS, in search of genuine multilateralism

Finally, after more than 10 years since its last incorporation (South Africa), the BRICS group has agreed on the entry of six new members as of 1 January 2024: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Iran and Argentina. In…

Argentina: A desperate cry for change, on the edge of a precipice

After the primary elections on Sunday 13 with the partial victory of the far-right Javier Milei, Argentina is going through weeks of uncertainty: the electorate’s weariness with politicians seems to bring the country closer to the edge of the precipice.…

“No to extradition, Free Julian Assange!” in Buenos Aires, Argentina

“No to extradition, Freedom to Julian Assange!” is an international letter delivery event by a group of Argentinean activists to the UK ambassador, coordinated by “Free Assange Argentina” and “Free Assange Wave” in cooperation with the Nordic collective On…

Argentina: The far-right advances, the bipartisanship retreats, the dinosaur is still there

Argentines never cease to surprise: on a wintry but sunny Sunday, they put the recycled bipartisanship in intensive care in the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (PASO) elections, when the far-right Javier Milei, until two years ago a TV panelist,…

Raúl Noro: the best of our people has left us

Raúl Noro’s heart stopped beating. Mistreated, persecuted, infused even on his own deathbed. They had no idea who they were messing with. They had no idea of the integrity and love Raúl was capable of. Of how loved and respected…

A Montage in Three Acts: A crime unresolved in 48 years links Argentina and Chile

By Maxine Lowy Jaroslavsky* A man strolled his dog again, the laughter of another resonated as it always had and the smile of a young women in a mini-skirt beamed in the chilly, rainy morning. These were three of 119…

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