

We need to talk about… the Falklands

(Here, Tony Robinson writies in a personal capacity about the recent Falkland islands referendum and issues of ownership) The issue of the Falkland Islands comes up frequently among my many Argentinean friends and as fierce patriots they proclaim their sovereignty…

New law will benefit media pluralism despite polarized climate

Argentina’s new law on Audiovisual Communication Services (SCA), known in Spanish as the Ley de Medios, is due to enter fully into force tomorrow. Reporters without Borders reiterates its support for the bill’s general principles and endorses its application. However,…

Last-minute court ruling delays application of new broadcasting law

The Argentine media group Clarin obtained an eleventh-hour ruling yesterday delaying the application of a section of the country’s new media law which would have forced it to give up some of its broadcasting licences. The Civil and Commercial Court…

US Vultures flying over Argentinean naval ship stranded at Ghanaian port

The sailing Frigate Libertad is being held at a Ghanaian port by a US-based investment (vulture) fund in dispute over Argentinean debts. The Ghanaian high court has ruled on the case to determine whether the Libertad is allowed to sail…

Open Letter from the Argentinean Ambassador to the UK to The Daily Telegraph

  We publish here the open letter from Alicia Castro, Argentinean Ambassador to the UK, to The Daily Telegraph in response to an article published by it. ARGENTINA: FACTS AND HISTORY On 8 October the Telegraph published an article stating…

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