

Crises swamping developing economies

By Martin Khor* | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis   GENEVA (IDN) – Several developing countries are now being engulfed in new economic crises as their currency and stock markets are experiencing sharp falls, and the end is not yet in sight. The…

Argentine Activists Win First Round Against Monsanto Plant

By Fabiana Frayssinet for IPS news CORDOBA, Argentina, Jan 25 2014 (IPS) – Residents of a town in Argentina have won the first victory in their fight against biotech giant Monsanto, but they are still at battle stations, aware that winning the war is…

Blackouts in Argentina Highlight Failings of Privatisation

By Fabiana Frayssinet for IPS BUENOS AIRES, Jan 10 2014 (IPS) – Record temperatures at the start of the southern hemisphere summer in Argentina have been accompanied by highs on the thermometer of social discontent, as consumption peaks left thousands without electricity and…

In an unprecedented show of support, 500 British citizens attend Ambassador Alicia Castro’s call for dialogue over the Malvinas

Argentinean Embassy Press Release The Latin American Conference, taking place annually, is a large gathering of all British activists supporting Latin American countries. Participants include renowned trade union leaders, journalists, academics and political activists. Last year saw Argentina participate in this…

Argentina: “The Audiovisual Communications Law does not affect freedom of expression”

Supreme Court Chairman Ricardo Lorenzetti defended the constitutionality of the Audiovisual Communications Law and held that “there is no evidence that if affects freedom of expression.” “We have the institutional responsibility to explain the content of the Court ruling and…

UN granted award to Argentina’s program for the Voluntary Surrender of Firearms

The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) has granted its “2013 Future Policy Award” to Argentina, for its National Voluntary Surrender of Firearms Program.  From New York, Justice Minister Julio Alak said that the prize acknowledged “an Argentina’s sustained…

Evo Morales receives award from the Faculty of Journalism and Communications at the University of La Plata, Argentina

The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, during a speech at the School of Journalism at the University of La Plata, in the province of Buenos Aires, said that “when the media are in private hands they are unpatriotic and against…

Inter American Development Bank (IADB), Argentina and vulture funds

IADB MEETING IN WASHINGTON Minister Lorenzino from Argentina warned about vulture funds negative impact on the financial system Economy Minister Hernán Lorenzino warned on the negative impact that vulture funds might have on the international financial system, during an encounter…

“One peso invested in culture means five pesos saved in security”

Telam, The Argentinean Secretary of Culture Jorge Coscia, remarked today that “one peso invested in culture means five pesos saved in security” and reinforced that the culture “is reinvigorating, especially among most vulnerable sectors.” The official said so in declarations…

In Search of Their Roots: The Mapuche and Modern Society

by Aigul Safiullina, 29 April 2013. Around five hours after leaving Bariloche our bus suddenly stops in the middle of nowhere. “Leleque. La comunidad,” the driver announces. “We’ve arrived muchacha”. Outside, fields stretch towards mountains and the eye struggles to…

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