

G20: False dilemmas, theatre and cruelty

Today, the G20 is a meeting that politically represents the interests of large corporations and global finance. In other words, it serves the business of capital and in no way takes into account the well-being of the people who live…

For the Thousand Days of Milagro Sala in prison an international campaign

On October 12 will be 1,000 days of arbitrary and illegal detention of the militant and social leader Milagro Sala. The international coordination for the liberation of Milagro Sala has launched a worldwide campaign to attack selfishness in the streets…

In Wake of Anti-Choice Senate Vote, Argentines Join Movement to Abandon Catholic Church

“Obtaining the vote for women, the divorce law, marriage equality, the gender identity law, the assisted human fertilization law, the law of integral sexual education, the dignified death law were all done fighting clerical power, which seeks to have total…

‘How many more women have to die?”…

 …Days after lawmakers reject Legalization Bill, Argentine woman dies from at-home abortion “Secrecy saves no life. Secrecy kills.” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer For Common Dreams Less than a week after Argentine lawmakers rejected a bill that would have legalized some…

Argentina rejects legal abortion — and not all Catholics are celebrating

Verónica Giménez Béliveau, Universidad de Buenos Aires for The Conversation Unswayed by the estimated 2 million abortion rights activists gathered outside its doors, Argentina’s conservative-leaning Senate on August 9 rejected a bill that would have made abortion legal up to…

Women vow to continue campaign for safe abortion in Argentina…

…in spite of negative vote from the Senate, with a little help from the Pope. Disappointing news for activists demanding safe and free termination of pregnancy (as opposed to back street, often lethal, abortions in particular for the less well…

Law on the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy: Millions of Argentines and Latin Americans hope it will be law!

This is an important historical moment. The eyes and hearts of millions of Argentine and Latin American women will be set on this 8 August in the Argentine Senate, where the Law on the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy will be…

Argentina: return of military repression by president’s decree

Never again! chanted human rights activists when the military responsible for the 70’s dirty war in Argentina were replaced by a democratically elected government, leaving behind over people dead or “disappeared” and hundreds of stolen children taken from the…

“The flights of death Argentina”, present in Madrid

At the event, the books `Final Destination’ by Giancarlo Ceraudo and `Skyvan’ by Miriam Lewin were presented. “The madwomen told him to be patient and not to give up,” said Taty Almeida in her final speech. Photos: Ariel Brocchieri On Friday,…

We are history in the making

The video below shows the last leg of a long process, which this week culminated in the half-sanction of the decriminalisation of abortion in Argentina. The process was led and sustained tirelessly by thousands of women across the country. The…

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