

A joint Jewish-Arab declaration for peace

We – movements, organizations and activists, Jews and Arabs – write these words out of heavy mourning for the thousands of people killed in recent weeks, and out of terrible anxiety for the safety of the abducted and those who…

Brief Notes on Anti-Semitism

By Roberto Savio There is a huge debate on anti-Semitism. I think we need to make a systematic analysis that makes the problem simple and clear. Obviously, the subject is very complex and produces so many urges that any attempt…

Of Arabs and Muslims and the Big Ban

This article slightly updates a previous one that IPS had published regarding the recurrent confusion about who are Arabs and who, Muslims. Now that President Donald Trump’s decision to ban citizens of seven Muslim majority countries from entering the United…

New Nuclear Hysteria in the Middle East

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* 29 February 2016 (IPS) –  When the tsunami of panic around Iran’s potential capability to develop nuclear weapons reached its peak some three years ago, a combined diplomatic, media campaign warning that a Gulf…

Arab-Jew ‘forbidden’ kiss video mysteriously disappears from Facebook

A video of Arab and Jewish couples engaging in “forbidden” kisses has disappeared from Facebook, prompting claims of hacking and censorship.The video by TimeOut Tel Aviv features six couples doing the “forbidden deed”, was a response to an Israeli Ministry…

The Over-Written, Under-Reported Middle East (II): 99.5 Years of (Imposed) Solitude

By Baher Kamal* for Human Wrongs Watch In this Part II of a two-part series, Egyptian-born, Spanish-national, secular journalist Baher Kamal tries to “demystify” some of the most common stereotypes circulating around the Middle East region. Here he explains some…

The Over-Written, Under-Reported Middle East (I): Of Arabs and Muslims

By Baher Kamal*, for Human Wrongs Watch In this two-part series, Egyptian-born, Spanish-national, secular journalist Baher Kamal tries to “demystify” some of the most common stereotypes circulating around the Middle East region. Part II tomorrow will focus on: Over-Written, Under-Reported Middle…