

Barcelona votes to end complicity with Israeli occupation & illegal settlements

Press release by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC). Today, in light of Barcelona City Council’s vote to condemn Israel’s occupation, their call for an end to complicity in Israel’s violations of international law, and their affirmation of the legitimacy of…

New UN Report Confirms Israel is an “Apartheid” State

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in Palestinian society, has warmly welcomed as a “historic breakthrough” a report released today by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) that proves beyond doubt that…

Trump appointed Secretary of Defense accused Israel of practicing apartheid.

Let’s see if Israel lobbies will try to intimidate even James Mattis, the Trump appointed Secretary of Defense, or whether they will just have to swallow this defeat. Reproduced with permit by Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) |  The interview of…

Interview: American poet and peace activist Michael R. Burch

The interview was about his peace plan for Palestine. We asked him a few provocative questions which we are really happy he answered. The idea of starting from LAW to bring PEACE is very challenging. It is worth thinking about…

The Mandela bandwagon, something for everyone

The eclectic bunch of mourners eulogising the undoubtedly great African hero showed an interesting phenomenon. Even those who had had him in the terrorist list (till 2008) were there to pay tribute. Was that hypocrisy or a change of heart…

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