
Antonio Carvallo

World Humanist Forum: ‘Society will move resolutely towards a new historic moment’.

We publish here the introductory words to the 7 December meeting of the World Humanist Forum – held virtually – expressed by Antonio Carvallo in his condition as a member of the Promotion Team: “Dear friends. As we know, the…

Ramstein: Conference on military bases and war

We publish here the words of Antonio Carvallo‘s speech at the 6th International Congress against Military Bases and War, which took place this June 23 and was organized by the International Network against Global Military Bases, founded in 2018. I…

4 May 2019: 50 years of Siloism

We publish here the words pronounced by Antonio Carvallo (and consecutively translated into English by Tony Robinson) during the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Siloism in the most significant event that took place today, at the Park of Study…

The battle between neoliberal and democratic values

A delegation of Humanists was recently invited to Greece in order to give two presentations at the TEDx event in Anogeia on the island of Crete, they also participated in meetings with members of the Greek national and local government. …