
Animal Conservation

A Giant Millipede is Found Again After 127 Years 

It all began one morning when Christina Biggs, lost species officer for Re:wild, saw a giant millipede crawling over her boot. “I filmed it for a while because I thought it was cool, having no clue that it was an…

Marching for Millennia: Discovering the Tapirs — Earth’s Prehistoric Wanderers

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB April 27th is marked on the calendars of wildlife enthusiasts around the globe for a special reason—it’s World Tapir Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the tapir, one of the most unusual and…

The Majestic Hippopotamus: Gentle Giants of the Waterways

by: Assaf Levy The hippopotamus, often simply referred to as a hippo, is a creature that fascinates and delights those who are fortunate enough to witness it in its natural habitat. These semi-aquatic mammals, known for their massive bodies, wide-open…