

DeepSeek is showing us that another tech world is possible

How one Chinese company’s AI tool has slashed trillions from the US stock market, and revealed a future for technology without American tech hegemony. By Nuvpreet Kalra Last week, a Chinese startup, DeepSeek, released R1, a large-language model rivaling ChatGPT,…

OpenAI is Using its Technology to Kill

Earlier this month, the company that brings us ChatGPT announced its partnership with California-based weapons company, Anduril, to produce AI weapons. The OpenAI-Anduril system, which was tested in California at the end of November, permits the sharing of data between…

The Future of Humanity: A Leap Beyond the Present

The future is not merely what happens tomorrow—that’s just the mechanics of the present. For humanity, the future is an entirely different experience. Over the past 2,000 years, we have developed the mechanics of the present—technology and the conditions of…

Nobel Laureate in Physics 2024 John Hopfield and the dangers of unchecked AI.

U.S. scientist John Hopfield, recently awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his pioneering research in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has issued a troubling warning about the rapid advances in this technology. Hopfield, professor emeritus at Princeton University,…

When financial values make no sense, expressing nothing, the absurd.

The financialization of the economy in the age of AI Here’s a staggering piece of news that appeared yesterday on the website of Kotaku, a news/com company specialising in the games sector: ” Nvidia has just grown by $329 billion…

One year into the AI boom: What are the challenges for education?

There is an urgent need to move from an instrumental use of AI to new didactics that problematize the context, accompanied by a focus on building learning communities. It was in November 2022 that the new version of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5…

Alter ego’? Microsoft chatbot wants to be worshipped as a deity

A Microsoft spokesperson said a series of commands caused the artificial intelligence virtual assistant to behave erratically. Users reported on social media that Microsoft’s artificial intelligence (AI) virtual assistant, Copilot, was generating strange responses in which it demanded to be…

EU reaches agreement on landmark artificial intelligence law

European Union (EU) lawmakers and member states reached an agreement on rules governing artificial intelligence (AI). “Historic! The EU becomes the first continent to set clear rules for the use of AI,” European internal market commissioner Thierry Breton said on…

Artificial intelligence has impact and revolutionises social development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an enabler of futures poses crucial challenges in the ambit of research and the formation of professionals. In an ever-changing world, universities are gearing up to prepare future generations for jobs and leadership roles that do…

Digital intelligence: challenges of the times

Internet Citizen interviewed Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami of IT for Change, India, on the challenges facing the world, and in particular the Global South, with the artificial intelligence revolution. IT for Change has produced several studies on digital technologies,…

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