

Ontario Teachers. ETFO members ratify agreements at central bargaining tables

“Our goal was to defend public education and the working and learning conditions that have made Ontario’s education system one of the best in the world. While these negotiations were prolonged and difficult, our educators – with the support from…

ETFO teachers in Ontario. Tentative Agreements at Central Bargaining Tables

“This has been a very prolonged and difficult bargaining process. We are very grateful for the support and unwavering solidarity of our members, and the public who have continued to stand up for public education and the supports that our…

Appeal to the President of the Italian Republic and to all Mps

The sentence by the Milan Court of Assizes of 10 October 2017, deposited on 1 December 2017, documents in great detail the inhumane reality of the Libyan detention centres, where evidence of forced labour, torture and sexual violence against women…